Colors, Names, Time Governor, Horomancy
GK has 35 NAMES to denote a rotation of a 35-DAY cycle.
During each day, each hour (from :01 to :01) is described as a single color from a 7-color rotating scheme.
The naming of villages and planets coicides with the Color/Day Name combination when at the construction's completion.
It is suspected that DISRUPT might also coincide with such combo.. however, recent researches have shown that "disrupting has no relevance to the time governer, and that disrupting is not controlled by what color and type it is (ie dawn, feast, dragon etc.)." (from Mentor)
The following are notes gathered from past experiments and most notably from:
(courtesy of KiOfSiRiJS)
and Samildanach's time chart is invaluable.
Names of Days
(Since the Time Governor is NOT all that reliable, some skipping occurs quite frequently. And the sequence of Days/Times can be easily affected by the cast of Illusion, as well. One must cast Horomancy in order to make sure the name of each day.)
The following 7-day rotation is based on KioF's published list.. but altered according to my recent research.
Twin Moon Mountain Dust Goblin Moss Sea Catastrophe
Victory Wolf Crone Grotto Dream Emperor Portal
Oak Lovers Pomegranate Maiden Youth Ruins Chess
Dawn Feast Rose Hero Sage Riddle Trickster
Crystal Dragon Tempest Forest Phoenix Sun Night
Since this is a circular scheme, it is hard to determine which NAME is the FIRST... so, this vertical arrangement is arbitrary, but the sequence should be accurate.
Goblin Moss
Color Sequence of the Hours
Once again, we do not know which is the Beginning of the day/hour.. so, the first color here (white) is picked arbitrarily. However, if one uses a 7-day chart, the sequence forms a complete cycle, too.
It continues from day to day -- if 23:01 to 00:01 is WHITE, then the next day's first color 00:01 - 01:01 will be RAINBOW.
What kind of planet each color means when an Escape World is made?
Black - 37 Squares of Deserts (Metal)
Red - 37 Squares of Plains (Sky)
Yellow - 37 Squares of Green Hills (Earth)
Blue - 37 Squares of Oceans (Water)
Green - 37 Squares of Forests (Leaf)
White - 37 Squares of White Plains (Angelic)
Rainbow - 37 Squares of mixed landscape from all of the rest
Earth, World, Planet, Land
These are the usual last part of a world name (full-sized or Escape). Research evidence is not ample to determine HOW such terminology is determined. As of late, other, stranger word/number combinations also have appeared as part of a world name. Such as:
Red Dust 31 M
Black Wolf ZD-4
No conclusive theory has been established as to why such anomolies exist.
Trines and Quaterns
(The following is directly copied from KiOf's site.)
Each 24-hour cycle contains four quaterns and three trines. Each quatern extends over a period of three hours, and each trine extends over a period of four hours. A day begins with the first quatern at 00:01.
Each quatern or trine is assigned a colour and a name. Colour cycles by the hour through red, yellow, blue, green, white, rainbow, and black. Name cycles by the day through the list given in the Days section of this document.
One quatern and one trine together are exactly seven hours long and go through one complete cycle of all seven colours. The "first" colour of a day is defined as the first colour representing the first quatern--in other words, the first hour--of that day. A quatern will always be represented by the first three colours of a day, and a trine will always be represented by the last four colours of that day.
Hence, when the time is "the fourth quatern of White Feast", signifying the third and final colour (refer to the table in the Colours section of this document) of the last quatern of the day of Feast, the next hour will be the first quatern of Rainbow Rose, signifying the first colour (again, refer to the table in the Colours section of this document) of the first quatern of the day of Rose.
00:01 1st quatern 1st color
01:01 1st quatern 2nd color
02:01 1st quatern 3rd color
03:01 1st trine 4th color
04:01 1st trine 5th color
05:01 1st trine 6th color
06:01 1st trine 7th color
07:01 2nd quatern 1st color
08:01 2nd quatern 2nd color
09:01 2nd quatern 3rd color
10:01 2nd trine 4th color
11:01 2nd trine 5th color
12:01 2nd trine 6th color
13:01 2nd trine 7th color
14:01 3rd quatern 1st color
15:01 3rd quatern 2nd color
16:01 3rd quatern 3rd color
17:01 3rd trine 4th color
18:01 3rd trine 5th color
19:01 3rd trine 6th color
20:01 3rd trine 7th color
21:01 4th quatern 1st color
22:01 4th quatern 2nd color
23:01 4th quatern 3rd color
Examples of Horomancy Readings: (3 consecutive readings, done by Aeneas for the Essense of Time thread.)
Thursday Aug 25th, 18:03
It is the third trine of White Phoenix.
The next trine will be the third Rainbow Phoenix.
Thursday Aug 25th, 19:02
It is the third trine of Rainbow Phoenix.
The next trine will be the third Black Phoenix.
Thursday Aug 25th, 20:00
It is the third trine of Black Phoenix.
The next quatern will be the fourth Red Phoenix.
During each day, each hour (from :01 to :01) is described as a single color from a 7-color rotating scheme.
The naming of villages and planets coicides with the Color/Day Name combination when at the construction's completion.
It is suspected that DISRUPT might also coincide with such combo.. however, recent researches have shown that "disrupting has no relevance to the time governer, and that disrupting is not controlled by what color and type it is (ie dawn, feast, dragon etc.)." (from Mentor)
The following are notes gathered from past experiments and most notably from:
(courtesy of KiOfSiRiJS)
and Samildanach's time chart is invaluable.
Names of Days
(Since the Time Governor is NOT all that reliable, some skipping occurs quite frequently. And the sequence of Days/Times can be easily affected by the cast of Illusion, as well. One must cast Horomancy in order to make sure the name of each day.)
The following 7-day rotation is based on KioF's published list.. but altered according to my recent research.
Twin Moon Mountain Dust Goblin Moss Sea Catastrophe
Victory Wolf Crone Grotto Dream Emperor Portal
Oak Lovers Pomegranate Maiden Youth Ruins Chess
Dawn Feast Rose Hero Sage Riddle Trickster
Crystal Dragon Tempest Forest Phoenix Sun Night
Since this is a circular scheme, it is hard to determine which NAME is the FIRST... so, this vertical arrangement is arbitrary, but the sequence should be accurate.
Goblin Moss
Color Sequence of the Hours
Once again, we do not know which is the Beginning of the day/hour.. so, the first color here (white) is picked arbitrarily. However, if one uses a 7-day chart, the sequence forms a complete cycle, too.
It continues from day to day -- if 23:01 to 00:01 is WHITE, then the next day's first color 00:01 - 01:01 will be RAINBOW.
What kind of planet each color means when an Escape World is made?
Black - 37 Squares of Deserts (Metal)
Red - 37 Squares of Plains (Sky)
Yellow - 37 Squares of Green Hills (Earth)
Blue - 37 Squares of Oceans (Water)
Green - 37 Squares of Forests (Leaf)
White - 37 Squares of White Plains (Angelic)
Rainbow - 37 Squares of mixed landscape from all of the rest
Earth, World, Planet, Land
These are the usual last part of a world name (full-sized or Escape). Research evidence is not ample to determine HOW such terminology is determined. As of late, other, stranger word/number combinations also have appeared as part of a world name. Such as:
Red Dust 31 M
Black Wolf ZD-4
No conclusive theory has been established as to why such anomolies exist.
Trines and Quaterns
(The following is directly copied from KiOf's site.)
Each 24-hour cycle contains four quaterns and three trines. Each quatern extends over a period of three hours, and each trine extends over a period of four hours. A day begins with the first quatern at 00:01.
Each quatern or trine is assigned a colour and a name. Colour cycles by the hour through red, yellow, blue, green, white, rainbow, and black. Name cycles by the day through the list given in the Days section of this document.
One quatern and one trine together are exactly seven hours long and go through one complete cycle of all seven colours. The "first" colour of a day is defined as the first colour representing the first quatern--in other words, the first hour--of that day. A quatern will always be represented by the first three colours of a day, and a trine will always be represented by the last four colours of that day.
Hence, when the time is "the fourth quatern of White Feast", signifying the third and final colour (refer to the table in the Colours section of this document) of the last quatern of the day of Feast, the next hour will be the first quatern of Rainbow Rose, signifying the first colour (again, refer to the table in the Colours section of this document) of the first quatern of the day of Rose.
00:01 1st quatern 1st color
01:01 1st quatern 2nd color
02:01 1st quatern 3rd color
03:01 1st trine 4th color
04:01 1st trine 5th color
05:01 1st trine 6th color
06:01 1st trine 7th color
07:01 2nd quatern 1st color
08:01 2nd quatern 2nd color
09:01 2nd quatern 3rd color
10:01 2nd trine 4th color
11:01 2nd trine 5th color
12:01 2nd trine 6th color
13:01 2nd trine 7th color
14:01 3rd quatern 1st color
15:01 3rd quatern 2nd color
16:01 3rd quatern 3rd color
17:01 3rd trine 4th color
18:01 3rd trine 5th color
19:01 3rd trine 6th color
20:01 3rd trine 7th color
21:01 4th quatern 1st color
22:01 4th quatern 2nd color
23:01 4th quatern 3rd color
Examples of Horomancy Readings: (3 consecutive readings, done by Aeneas for the Essense of Time thread.)
Thursday Aug 25th, 18:03
It is the third trine of White Phoenix.
The next trine will be the third Rainbow Phoenix.
Thursday Aug 25th, 19:02
It is the third trine of Rainbow Phoenix.
The next trine will be the third Black Phoenix.
Thursday Aug 25th, 20:00
It is the third trine of Black Phoenix.
The next quatern will be the fourth Red Phoenix.
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