Friday, August 25, 2006

System Messages

System Messages are messages you receive at the bottom of your map screen and in your Message screen. Usually they are the result of an action completing, or being unable to perform an action.

As this section grows, the easiest way to navigate it will be to page search (ctrl + F) and copy portions of the message that do not contain names or numbers. For example:
Rather than "you focus on symo and fall asleep", use "and fall asleep".

Aerial Magic
- You watch with satisfaction as the new element emerges...
- Steam rises from X.]
- Create Glitterbomb
- You hear a muffled explosion from X. [Creating Glitterbombs.]
- (?) You hear a muffled explosion from X.
Dispatch Glitterbomb
- X sneezes. [Everyone on hex of target.]
Expert Alchemy
- A warm glow enters your heart. [Recieving SE.]
- Brilliant blue steam rises from X. [From the person alching.]
- X floats up and fades into the sky.
- X steps back through the gate.
Summon Minor Soul
- You finish the final movements of the summon soul spell, but the X(Element) people refuse to come.
- You work the last movements of the summon soul magic, but your celestial connections go awry, giving you a terrible headache.
- X(Color of Element) light gently filters down, and several people appear next to you.
Archangelic Magic
- Blue light gently filters down from heaven, and Sebian appears next to you.
- Reintegrate
- You finish chanting and feel your power drain into the Universe.
Build Fishery
- building fishery failed: It must be built on Water.
Build Path
- building path X(up, down) failed: you can't build that going vertically up or down.
- building path X(direction) failed: Try destroying the Wall first.
- building path X(direction) failed: you can't build it in water.
Mobilize Hamlet
- mobilizing X(element) hamlet failed: These are not your people.
Settle Hamlet
- settling X(element) hamlet failed: Another hamlet is already occupying the land.
- demolishing failed: You can't demolish empty terrain.
- Destroyed X(Structure).
- X(Structure) slightly damaged.
Aggravate Hamlet
- agrresive hamlet except for X failed: This is not your hamlet.
Pacify Hamlet
- peaceful hamlet except for X failed: This is not your hamlet.
Convert Hamlet
- The tribe of X(Element) people joined you!
- The tribe of X(Element) people seemed to have other loyalties.
Convert Village
- The Village of X(Color) Y(Day Name) seemed to have other loyalties. [Unowned village.]
Charge Earth
- You finish the last quiet words, and your body burns with unexpected happiness. [Success.]
Create Spring
- You put your hand to the ground and the earth becomes cold.
Listen Earth (Planetary charge rating; highest - lowest)
- You finish casting Listen Earth and are momentarily blinded by swarming lights. You feel a stable and healthy pulse deep beneath you.
- You finish casting Listen Earth and feel a stable pulse.
- You finish casting Listen Earth and feel a mild pulse.
- The ground seems to shudder beneath you.
- You finish chanting and hear a keen wailing!
- You chant the final words of the Listen Earth charm and a sickly deep sound sinks through the air. The planet is slowly ripping apart beneath you. Strange visions of disintegrating atoms swarm behind your eyes. [This level can get very low on unpopulated planets.]
- Listen Earth (Spatial Charge Rating; added onto end of planetary charge message.)
- The air shimmers with a pleasant smell. [Perfect Trigger message; approximately 2 charges : 1 soul.]
Heaven Messages
- ?? Light glimmers and shifts unsettlingly.
- You feel free! [Submit to yourself]
Inficio Mundus
- X claps and the world returns to normal.
- You feel a subtle change.
Instant Actions
- Escape failed: the spatial matrix is too crowded.
- You escape sideways through reality.
- You feel your energy thicken.... [Target of transfer receives this message.]
Imbue (Heaven Only)
- You feel yourself lighten.
- X has arrived from the Y (Direction).
- X steps within the Y(Color) Z(Name) Weir Gate. ['True name' of weir.]
- X emerges from the Y(Color) Z(Name) Weir Gate. ['True name' of weir.]
- Unable to eat X.
- You wanted to eat something, but there's nothing available.
- X(#) Y happily eaten.
- 1 biscuit happily eaten. The universe despairs.
- X looks confused.
- Examining X failed: X is out of speaking distance.
- You have X too many things to think about.
- It is the X trine of Y(Color) Z(Day). The next trine will be the (X+1) Y(Color) Z(Day). [Refer to the 'Time' section for more & more accurate information.]
- Invent
- You drift into fanciful reverie...
- You tried to think of something new, but daydreamed of familiar things... [Would have invented something, but you already knew it?]
You almost invented something, but... You need more experience with X(Skill Area).
You almost invented something, but... You need better mental capabilities to learn this knowledge. [Basically another form of the above message.]
- Eureka! You're on to something...
- Ah ha! Finished researching X(Knowledge)!
- teaching Y (Knowledge) to X failed: X is out of speaking distance. [Target is not on hex.]
- teaching X to Y(Yourself) failed: You'd like an easier student, thanks.
- You almost taught X(Knowledge), but Y was not paying attention.
- Finished teaching X(Knowledge) to Y.
- Finished learning X(Knowledge). [Target receives this message.]
Wait to Learn
- Finished learning X(Knowledge).
(Effects of) Enchantment
- The trees whisper.
- X taps Y sternly on the forehead....
-?? X taps Y sternly on the forehead....
Force Bolt
- Yellow lights explode inside your head! [Failed forcebolt.]
- X(Caster) chants a few loud words and stretches Y(his/her/its) hands towards the sky. A blast of yellow sparks suddenly flattens Z of your people!
Magic Missile
X sprouts blue flame. (?) [misfire]
- The earth shivers...
Charge Space I (~&~ II?)
- You finish chanting and feel your power drain into the air.
- Space unravels, and you feel yourself torn away...
- X suddenly vanishes!
- You feel a faint tugging sensation... [someone else in your view gathered sucessfully]
Align Weir Gate
- The X(Color) Y(Name) Weir Gate softly opens. [This name is the 'false name' or 'creation name' of the weir.]
- X suddenly vanishes!
- The air hums freakishly! [Successful trigger with insufficent charge on hex to trigger caster.]
- You feel a sharp pull and the landscape blurs. [Succesfully triggered.]
- Your mind is overwhelmed by the geometric complexity of the spatial matrix!
- The world seems to come back into focus... you can think again.
Charge Forum
- ?? You feel a surge of power come from X.
- ?? You feel a subtle surge of telepathic energy....
- You feel a flicker of telepathic energy. [If a forum owner charges their forum on the same hex as you.]
- You feel telepathic power surge into the nexus... [Charger recieves this message.]
Conceal Forum
- You feel a flicker of telepathic energy.
- ?? You feel a subtle surge of telepathic energy.
Create Discussion Forum
- Power suddenly radiates from X....
- creating discussion nexus failed: You are already maintaining a nexus.
- You focus on X and sense 'Y(Sysmessage)'.
- X looks at you strangely. [Someone within your view has used probe on you.]
- You focus on X and feel that Y(he/she/it) has less spiritual energy than you.
- You focus on X and sense 'Y(Recent sysmessage of X)'.
- You focus on X and sense Y(he/she/it) on Z(World)
- You focus on X and sense Y(him/her/it) in another realm.
- You focus on X and sense Y(he/she/it) will finish what & is doing in Z(less/more) than T(an amount of time).
- You focus on X and detect that Y(he/ she/it) has Z thing(s) planned.
- You focus on X and sense Y(him/her/it) in another realm.
- You focus on X and sense that Y(he/she/it) has an army of Z creatures....
- You focus on X and sense Y(he/she/it) is singing. [Possibly sensing X's current action if it is (Singing to the trees)?]
- You focus on X and sense that Y(he/she/it) is not planning ahead. [Older version of below.]
You focus on X and detect that Y(he/she/it) is not planning ahead.
- You focus on X and detect that Y(he/she/it) has received Z messages lately.
- You focus on X and detect that Y(he/she/it) has not received any messages lately.
- You focus on X and detect that Y(he/she/it) has written Z messages lately.
- You focus on X and detect that Y(he/she/it) has not written any messages lately.
- You focus on X and long for Origin. [Happens whether target is in Grayness, Origin, or Chaos.]
- You focus on X and long for heaven. [Older version of above.]
- You focus on X and feel a quiet sense of solitude. [Possibly army size.]
- You focus on X and feel deeply touched by Y(his/her/its) great honesty and virtue. [Only when probing for yourself.]
- You focus on X and feel nothing special.
- You focus on X and feel oddly thirsty.... [Possibly hunger.]
- You focus on X and feel so lonely... [Possibly army size.]
- You focus on X and feel strangely alarmed.
- You focus on X and feel suddenly proud.
- You focus on X and feel wonderfully light. [Probably unburdened.]
- You focus on X and feel your bravery terribly outclassed.
- You focus on X and get a headache.
- You focus on X and get bored. [Possibly no queue.]
- You focus on X and get hungry. [Possibly target is hungry.]
- You focus on X and regret breakfast. [Recently consumed an unappetizing food?]
- You focus on X and a grey cloud blocks your magic. [?]
- You focus on X and fall asleep.
- You focus on X and fear for your life.... [Possibly war related?]
- You focus on X and hate everything.
- You focus on X and hear a peculiar silence.
- You focus on X and hiccup.
- You focus on X and know you are safe.
- You focus on X and lose your concentration.
- You focus on X and sigh.
- You focus on X and smile.
- You focus on X and sneeze.
- You focus on X and start singing.
- You focus on X and suspect Y(he/she/it) is fond of you.
- You focus on X and suspect Y(he/she/it) is in love.
- You focus on X and want to hide....
- You focus on X and wonder what Y(he/she/it) thinks of you.
- You focus on X and yawn.
- You focus on X and you are distracted by shadows.
- You focus on X and you hear him laughing at you....
- You focus on X and your mind is almost ensnared by something.
- You focus on X and Y(he/she/it) eludes you.
Reveal Forum
- You feel a flicker of telepathic energy.
- ?? You feel a subtle surge of telepathic energy.
- You scry X(Major Soul) on Y(World).
- You have a feeling that X is to the Y(direction).
- Your mind spirals down into darkness... [Result of searching for yourself.]
- You sense X's mind touching yours. [Recepient of signal receives this message.]
- Your mind pulses. [Message for signalling self.]
Shock Body:
- X resists your telepathic shock.
- Green fire sears your nerves! [Target receives this message.]
Shock Memory:
- X resists your telepathic shock.
- You sense X's mind touching yours. [Target recieves this message.]
- X's troops attack ferociously!
Attack Hamlet
- You killed X(#) of the Y(Element) people. Z(#) of your people died.
- The band of X(Element) people has been eliminated.
- X killed Y(#) of your Z(Element) people. W(#) of X's people died.
- Your X(Element) people have completely defeated Y. [Message received when a hamlet of yours kills someone.]
Call Rain
- The sky clouds over and it begins to drizzle.


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