Saturday, August 26, 2006

Colors, Names, Time Governor, Horomancy

GK has 35 NAMES to denote a rotation of a 35-DAY cycle.
During each day, each hour (from :01 to :01) is described as a single color from a 7-color rotating scheme.

The naming of villages and planets coicides with the Color/Day Name combination when at the construction's completion.

It is suspected that DISRUPT might also coincide with such combo.. however, recent researches have shown that "disrupting has no relevance to the time governer, and that disrupting is not controlled by what color and type it is (ie dawn, feast, dragon etc.)." (from Mentor)

The following are notes gathered from past experiments and most notably from:
(courtesy of KiOfSiRiJS)
and Samildanach's time chart is invaluable.

Names of Days

(Since the Time Governor is NOT all that reliable, some skipping occurs quite frequently. And the sequence of Days/Times can be easily affected by the cast of Illusion, as well. One must cast Horomancy in order to make sure the name of each day.)

The following 7-day rotation is based on KioF's published list.. but altered according to my recent research.

Twin Moon Mountain Dust Goblin Moss Sea Catastrophe
Victory Wolf Crone Grotto Dream Emperor Portal
Oak Lovers Pomegranate Maiden Youth Ruins Chess
Dawn Feast Rose Hero Sage Riddle Trickster
Crystal Dragon Tempest Forest Phoenix Sun Night

Since this is a circular scheme, it is hard to determine which NAME is the FIRST... so, this vertical arrangement is arbitrary, but the sequence should be accurate.

Goblin Moss

Color Sequence of the Hours

Once again, we do not know which is the Beginning of the day/hour.. so, the first color here (white) is picked arbitrarily. However, if one uses a 7-day chart, the sequence forms a complete cycle, too.


It continues from day to day -- if 23:01 to 00:01 is WHITE, then the next day's first color 00:01 - 01:01 will be RAINBOW.

What kind of planet each color means when an Escape World is made?

Black - 37 Squares of Deserts (Metal)
Red - 37 Squares of Plains (Sky)
Yellow - 37 Squares of Green Hills (Earth)
Blue - 37 Squares of Oceans (Water)
Green - 37 Squares of Forests (Leaf)

White - 37 Squares of White Plains (Angelic)
Rainbow - 37 Squares of mixed landscape from all of the rest

Earth, World, Planet, Land

These are the usual last part of a world name (full-sized or Escape). Research evidence is not ample to determine HOW such terminology is determined. As of late, other, stranger word/number combinations also have appeared as part of a world name. Such as:

Red Dust 31 M
Black Wolf ZD-4

No conclusive theory has been established as to why such anomolies exist.

Trines and Quaterns

(The following is directly copied from KiOf's site.)

Each 24-hour cycle contains four quaterns and three trines. Each quatern extends over a period of three hours, and each trine extends over a period of four hours. A day begins with the first quatern at 00:01.

Each quatern or trine is assigned a colour and a name. Colour cycles by the hour through red, yellow, blue, green, white, rainbow, and black. Name cycles by the day through the list given in the Days section of this document.

One quatern and one trine together are exactly seven hours long and go through one complete cycle of all seven colours. The "first" colour of a day is defined as the first colour representing the first quatern--in other words, the first hour--of that day. A quatern will always be represented by the first three colours of a day, and a trine will always be represented by the last four colours of that day.

Hence, when the time is "the fourth quatern of White Feast", signifying the third and final colour (refer to the table in the Colours section of this document) of the last quatern of the day of Feast, the next hour will be the first quatern of Rainbow Rose, signifying the first colour (again, refer to the table in the Colours section of this document) of the first quatern of the day of Rose.

00:01 1st quatern 1st color
01:01 1st quatern 2nd color
02:01 1st quatern 3rd color
03:01 1st trine 4th color
04:01 1st trine 5th color
05:01 1st trine 6th color
06:01 1st trine 7th color
07:01 2nd quatern 1st color
08:01 2nd quatern 2nd color
09:01 2nd quatern 3rd color
10:01 2nd trine 4th color
11:01 2nd trine 5th color
12:01 2nd trine 6th color
13:01 2nd trine 7th color
14:01 3rd quatern 1st color
15:01 3rd quatern 2nd color
16:01 3rd quatern 3rd color
17:01 3rd trine 4th color
18:01 3rd trine 5th color
19:01 3rd trine 6th color
20:01 3rd trine 7th color
21:01 4th quatern 1st color
22:01 4th quatern 2nd color
23:01 4th quatern 3rd color

Examples of Horomancy Readings: (3 consecutive readings, done by Aeneas for the Essense of Time thread.)

Thursday Aug 25th, 18:03
It is the third trine of White Phoenix.
The next trine will be the third Rainbow Phoenix.

Thursday Aug 25th, 19:02
It is the third trine of Rainbow Phoenix.
The next trine will be the third Black Phoenix.

Thursday Aug 25th, 20:00
It is the third trine of Black Phoenix.
The next quatern will be the fourth Red Phoenix.

Friday, August 25, 2006

System Messages

System Messages are messages you receive at the bottom of your map screen and in your Message screen. Usually they are the result of an action completing, or being unable to perform an action.

As this section grows, the easiest way to navigate it will be to page search (ctrl + F) and copy portions of the message that do not contain names or numbers. For example:
Rather than "you focus on symo and fall asleep", use "and fall asleep".

Aerial Magic
- You watch with satisfaction as the new element emerges...
- Steam rises from X.]
- Create Glitterbomb
- You hear a muffled explosion from X. [Creating Glitterbombs.]
- (?) You hear a muffled explosion from X.
Dispatch Glitterbomb
- X sneezes. [Everyone on hex of target.]
Expert Alchemy
- A warm glow enters your heart. [Recieving SE.]
- Brilliant blue steam rises from X. [From the person alching.]
- X floats up and fades into the sky.
- X steps back through the gate.
Summon Minor Soul
- You finish the final movements of the summon soul spell, but the X(Element) people refuse to come.
- You work the last movements of the summon soul magic, but your celestial connections go awry, giving you a terrible headache.
- X(Color of Element) light gently filters down, and several people appear next to you.
Archangelic Magic
- Blue light gently filters down from heaven, and Sebian appears next to you.
- Reintegrate
- You finish chanting and feel your power drain into the Universe.
Build Fishery
- building fishery failed: It must be built on Water.
Build Path
- building path X(up, down) failed: you can't build that going vertically up or down.
- building path X(direction) failed: Try destroying the Wall first.
- building path X(direction) failed: you can't build it in water.
Mobilize Hamlet
- mobilizing X(element) hamlet failed: These are not your people.
Settle Hamlet
- settling X(element) hamlet failed: Another hamlet is already occupying the land.
- demolishing failed: You can't demolish empty terrain.
- Destroyed X(Structure).
- X(Structure) slightly damaged.
Aggravate Hamlet
- agrresive hamlet except for X failed: This is not your hamlet.
Pacify Hamlet
- peaceful hamlet except for X failed: This is not your hamlet.
Convert Hamlet
- The tribe of X(Element) people joined you!
- The tribe of X(Element) people seemed to have other loyalties.
Convert Village
- The Village of X(Color) Y(Day Name) seemed to have other loyalties. [Unowned village.]
Charge Earth
- You finish the last quiet words, and your body burns with unexpected happiness. [Success.]
Create Spring
- You put your hand to the ground and the earth becomes cold.
Listen Earth (Planetary charge rating; highest - lowest)
- You finish casting Listen Earth and are momentarily blinded by swarming lights. You feel a stable and healthy pulse deep beneath you.
- You finish casting Listen Earth and feel a stable pulse.
- You finish casting Listen Earth and feel a mild pulse.
- The ground seems to shudder beneath you.
- You finish chanting and hear a keen wailing!
- You chant the final words of the Listen Earth charm and a sickly deep sound sinks through the air. The planet is slowly ripping apart beneath you. Strange visions of disintegrating atoms swarm behind your eyes. [This level can get very low on unpopulated planets.]
- Listen Earth (Spatial Charge Rating; added onto end of planetary charge message.)
- The air shimmers with a pleasant smell. [Perfect Trigger message; approximately 2 charges : 1 soul.]
Heaven Messages
- ?? Light glimmers and shifts unsettlingly.
- You feel free! [Submit to yourself]
Inficio Mundus
- X claps and the world returns to normal.
- You feel a subtle change.
Instant Actions
- Escape failed: the spatial matrix is too crowded.
- You escape sideways through reality.
- You feel your energy thicken.... [Target of transfer receives this message.]
Imbue (Heaven Only)
- You feel yourself lighten.
- X has arrived from the Y (Direction).
- X steps within the Y(Color) Z(Name) Weir Gate. ['True name' of weir.]
- X emerges from the Y(Color) Z(Name) Weir Gate. ['True name' of weir.]
- Unable to eat X.
- You wanted to eat something, but there's nothing available.
- X(#) Y happily eaten.
- 1 biscuit happily eaten. The universe despairs.
- X looks confused.
- Examining X failed: X is out of speaking distance.
- You have X too many things to think about.
- It is the X trine of Y(Color) Z(Day). The next trine will be the (X+1) Y(Color) Z(Day). [Refer to the 'Time' section for more & more accurate information.]
- Invent
- You drift into fanciful reverie...
- You tried to think of something new, but daydreamed of familiar things... [Would have invented something, but you already knew it?]
You almost invented something, but... You need more experience with X(Skill Area).
You almost invented something, but... You need better mental capabilities to learn this knowledge. [Basically another form of the above message.]
- Eureka! You're on to something...
- Ah ha! Finished researching X(Knowledge)!
- teaching Y (Knowledge) to X failed: X is out of speaking distance. [Target is not on hex.]
- teaching X to Y(Yourself) failed: You'd like an easier student, thanks.
- You almost taught X(Knowledge), but Y was not paying attention.
- Finished teaching X(Knowledge) to Y.
- Finished learning X(Knowledge). [Target receives this message.]
Wait to Learn
- Finished learning X(Knowledge).
(Effects of) Enchantment
- The trees whisper.
- X taps Y sternly on the forehead....
-?? X taps Y sternly on the forehead....
Force Bolt
- Yellow lights explode inside your head! [Failed forcebolt.]
- X(Caster) chants a few loud words and stretches Y(his/her/its) hands towards the sky. A blast of yellow sparks suddenly flattens Z of your people!
Magic Missile
X sprouts blue flame. (?) [misfire]
- The earth shivers...
Charge Space I (~&~ II?)
- You finish chanting and feel your power drain into the air.
- Space unravels, and you feel yourself torn away...
- X suddenly vanishes!
- You feel a faint tugging sensation... [someone else in your view gathered sucessfully]
Align Weir Gate
- The X(Color) Y(Name) Weir Gate softly opens. [This name is the 'false name' or 'creation name' of the weir.]
- X suddenly vanishes!
- The air hums freakishly! [Successful trigger with insufficent charge on hex to trigger caster.]
- You feel a sharp pull and the landscape blurs. [Succesfully triggered.]
- Your mind is overwhelmed by the geometric complexity of the spatial matrix!
- The world seems to come back into focus... you can think again.
Charge Forum
- ?? You feel a surge of power come from X.
- ?? You feel a subtle surge of telepathic energy....
- You feel a flicker of telepathic energy. [If a forum owner charges their forum on the same hex as you.]
- You feel telepathic power surge into the nexus... [Charger recieves this message.]
Conceal Forum
- You feel a flicker of telepathic energy.
- ?? You feel a subtle surge of telepathic energy.
Create Discussion Forum
- Power suddenly radiates from X....
- creating discussion nexus failed: You are already maintaining a nexus.
- You focus on X and sense 'Y(Sysmessage)'.
- X looks at you strangely. [Someone within your view has used probe on you.]
- You focus on X and feel that Y(he/she/it) has less spiritual energy than you.
- You focus on X and sense 'Y(Recent sysmessage of X)'.
- You focus on X and sense Y(he/she/it) on Z(World)
- You focus on X and sense Y(him/her/it) in another realm.
- You focus on X and sense Y(he/she/it) will finish what & is doing in Z(less/more) than T(an amount of time).
- You focus on X and detect that Y(he/ she/it) has Z thing(s) planned.
- You focus on X and sense Y(him/her/it) in another realm.
- You focus on X and sense that Y(he/she/it) has an army of Z creatures....
- You focus on X and sense Y(he/she/it) is singing. [Possibly sensing X's current action if it is (Singing to the trees)?]
- You focus on X and sense that Y(he/she/it) is not planning ahead. [Older version of below.]
You focus on X and detect that Y(he/she/it) is not planning ahead.
- You focus on X and detect that Y(he/she/it) has received Z messages lately.
- You focus on X and detect that Y(he/she/it) has not received any messages lately.
- You focus on X and detect that Y(he/she/it) has written Z messages lately.
- You focus on X and detect that Y(he/she/it) has not written any messages lately.
- You focus on X and long for Origin. [Happens whether target is in Grayness, Origin, or Chaos.]
- You focus on X and long for heaven. [Older version of above.]
- You focus on X and feel a quiet sense of solitude. [Possibly army size.]
- You focus on X and feel deeply touched by Y(his/her/its) great honesty and virtue. [Only when probing for yourself.]
- You focus on X and feel nothing special.
- You focus on X and feel oddly thirsty.... [Possibly hunger.]
- You focus on X and feel so lonely... [Possibly army size.]
- You focus on X and feel strangely alarmed.
- You focus on X and feel suddenly proud.
- You focus on X and feel wonderfully light. [Probably unburdened.]
- You focus on X and feel your bravery terribly outclassed.
- You focus on X and get a headache.
- You focus on X and get bored. [Possibly no queue.]
- You focus on X and get hungry. [Possibly target is hungry.]
- You focus on X and regret breakfast. [Recently consumed an unappetizing food?]
- You focus on X and a grey cloud blocks your magic. [?]
- You focus on X and fall asleep.
- You focus on X and fear for your life.... [Possibly war related?]
- You focus on X and hate everything.
- You focus on X and hear a peculiar silence.
- You focus on X and hiccup.
- You focus on X and know you are safe.
- You focus on X and lose your concentration.
- You focus on X and sigh.
- You focus on X and smile.
- You focus on X and sneeze.
- You focus on X and start singing.
- You focus on X and suspect Y(he/she/it) is fond of you.
- You focus on X and suspect Y(he/she/it) is in love.
- You focus on X and want to hide....
- You focus on X and wonder what Y(he/she/it) thinks of you.
- You focus on X and yawn.
- You focus on X and you are distracted by shadows.
- You focus on X and you hear him laughing at you....
- You focus on X and your mind is almost ensnared by something.
- You focus on X and Y(he/she/it) eludes you.
Reveal Forum
- You feel a flicker of telepathic energy.
- ?? You feel a subtle surge of telepathic energy.
- You scry X(Major Soul) on Y(World).
- You have a feeling that X is to the Y(direction).
- Your mind spirals down into darkness... [Result of searching for yourself.]
- You sense X's mind touching yours. [Recepient of signal receives this message.]
- Your mind pulses. [Message for signalling self.]
Shock Body:
- X resists your telepathic shock.
- Green fire sears your nerves! [Target receives this message.]
Shock Memory:
- X resists your telepathic shock.
- You sense X's mind touching yours. [Target recieves this message.]
- X's troops attack ferociously!
Attack Hamlet
- You killed X(#) of the Y(Element) people. Z(#) of your people died.
- The band of X(Element) people has been eliminated.
- X killed Y(#) of your Z(Element) people. W(#) of X's people died.
- Your X(Element) people have completely defeated Y. [Message received when a hamlet of yours kills someone.]
Call Rain
- The sky clouds over and it begins to drizzle.

Action Descriptors

This is a list of the Action Description seen by others. These descriptors follow a person name, and are not system messages. For example; Evyndd (digging).

This list has been compiled by many major souls, and before being posted in the TAG library I (Evyndd) dug it out of some old forums, revised it, and posted it to the YMGP forum, after which it has undergone yet more revision.

Anything in (parenthesis) means that it's unknown whether whatever is in () is true or not. Anything in brackets [] is simply a note.

acknowledging signal: while waiting to learn from X, recieved signal from X
attacking hamlet: queued attack against a hamlet
attacking *player X*: attack
baking: baking wheat grain
building *structure X* *direction, if necessary*: building something
calculating: horomancy
celebrating: weir-aligned successfully
chanting: Force Bolt, Unform, Charge Space I and II, form *land type X*
chanting gravely: Resurrect
chanting rapidly: Magic Missle
chanting to the gate: align weir gate
chanting to the ground: Charge Earth, Raise/Lower Land, Create Spring
chanting to the sky: Summon Minor Soul, Call Rain
chanting uneasily: Broken Sorcery
claiming Morphic Telepathy: claiming morphic telepathy
concentraring intently: telepathy based morphic actions
concentrating: all telepathy actions not otherwise mentioned, amnesia.
confused: player displaying has been successfully commanded
confusing *player X*: oblivion
constructing quarry: constructing a (metal) quarry
conversing with locals: local diplomacy
daydreaming: inventing
deep in thought: reintegrating [Shzuru thing]
discarding items: drop
drowsing: counting
eating: eating
engaging in melee with *player X*: melee
experimenting with arcane devices: alchemy, distill, create glitterbomb
fighting with local creatures: an attack hamlet forced by a hostile hamlet
focusing: clear messages (Perhaps other morphic actions, amnesia?)
focusing intently: complaints, suggestions
looking nervous?: [sysmessage?] affected by enchanted forest
lying on the ground: listening earth
meditating: nourishing
melting plants: desert alchemy, iron alchemy
melting tungsten: transform tungsten
moving *direction*: moving
murmuring grandly: inficio mundus
murmuring: temporvoltus, devestus
plucking the air: trigger, disrupt, gather
paralyzed: the result of one's body being "shocked" by Morphic Telepathy
pondering: checking skills [This action no longer exists.]
praying: Terra Diutinus, Terracuctus, Expert Terrauctus
running: flying
reconsidering: ingeminate, disingeminate
searching the ground: collect
smiling?: [sysmessage?](forest enchantment related?)
smoothing the ground: deaturating [forming white plains]
singing to the trees: Leaf Magic actions [creating old forests], gardening
sleeping: waiting
staring blankly: backlash effect of failed spells. [Forcebolt, probably most others.]
staring into the distance: scrying... Scan/Inquire??
staring vacantly: backlash effect of failed spells?? [Forcebolt, astral, failed Gather, Trigger, or Disrupt. etc.]
teaching: teaching *knowledge X* to *Player X*
thinking out loud: researching *knowledge X*
thinking: signal
tinkering in the lab: manufacturing stuff
tracing patterns in the water: summon ocean current
waggling fingers: conjuration
waiting to accept items from *player X*: accepting items from *player X*
waiting to study from *player X*: waiting to study from *player X*
yawning: going to sleep [astral], Submitting [Hypnology],(waking from astral?)

Skill Levels, Verbal Descriptors, & Character Levels

After the update / change of GK in September and early October 2005, the old Skill Levelling system with their simplistic numerical notations were eliminated. Instead, a set of Verbal Descriptors emerged. Here is the skill level "translation":

Brilliant (9.5-10.4)
Artful (8.5-9.4)
Adept (7.5-8.4)
Talented (6.5-7.4)
Proficient (5.5-6.4)
Experienced (4.5-5.4)
Accomplished (3.5-4.4)
Effective (2.5-3.4)
Capable (1.5-2.4)]
The following set emerged immediately after the changes, but is incorrect due to the fact that action times do not change when a skill increases, for example, from Capable to Effective, but sometime during the Effective band.

[[Brilliant (9-10)
Artful (8-9)
Adept (7-8)
Talented (6-7)
Proficient (5-6)
Experienced (4-5)
Accomplished (3-4)
Effective (2-3)
Capable (1-2)

Character Level
In addition, every major soul has a 'character level'. Exactly how that can be determined is discussed below. (As ever since the looksit change, character level has not been displayed.)

The practical upshot of character level is that for every level a person gains, they gain "two knowledge slots". Basically, all major souls have a certain number of knowledge slots, and if you should have more knowledges than 'knowledge slots' then you it makes it harder for a soul to invent or learn knowledges.

It is also believed that some knowledges require a certain character level, but there is no proof whatsoever of this.

"Examine" Level Determining Method
+ Use the action Examine upon yourself. You will get a message stating either that you have a perfect cranium, or that you are X over.
- EXAMPLE: 13 over
+ Now, you need to subtract all 'free' slots from from the total number of knowledges you have, which will give you the effective number of knowledges. 'Free' slots are granted by Mnemnoics (Mnemnonics & 2 others) and Learning (Learning & 1 other).
- EXAMPLE: 38 - 5 = 33 effective slots
+ Subtract the amount you are over your knowledge limit from the effective number.
- EXAMPLE: 33 - 13 = 20
+ Divide the resulting number (20) by two. This will grant you your level.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Font Effects

To post on GK Internal Forum, one must learn a set of marks to create Font Effects:

A set of tildes (~~) around a word allows Italicizing: Like this. It must be ONE WORD AT A TIME.

A set of underlines (__) around a word allows Underlining: Like this. (4 underscores were used.) When it is to underline a phrase, (in between punctuation marks) the underscore in between each word is shared... so, one underscore serving as both right and left mark. Like_this! (3 underscores were used to create this one.)

Two Carets and one (^^^) around a word allows Large font like the section titles. (It must be ONE WORD AT A TIME.)

Four Square Brackets, two left and two right around a word, a paragraph, a whole document, allows for the black background.


Font effects only work on letters, numbers, and some symbols. So, ~this,~ will fail to italicize itself.

The forums randomly insert spaces into forum posts and messages; these do not show up normally, except that they will break up URLs. These spaces are only inserted on first posting; you can edit a post to remove the spaces. If a URL on the forums doesn't work, try checking to see if there are spaces you can remove.

The Play of Five

Elemental Explanation

The name GoKrida was first applied to the game during the 1672 World Tournament held under Southeast Asia. Huan Zhu, the venerable scholar of GoKrida origins, joined the Japanese word for Five (go) with the Sanksrit term for Play (krida). Until that time, GoKrida had been known in local languages as The Play of Five, Five Forces, The Elements Game, etc.

The diagram above shows the lines of power between the elements. Each element dominates another element, which means that battle will naturally favour the dominating element. There are also lines of support which indicate the most favourable allies.

There has been some interesting discussion among GoKrida scholars in the past century. For instance, Prof. Peter Dunhauser compares the five elements to Joseph Campbell's archetypes (Hero, Lover, etc.), while Tony Seymour investigates how the elements of Go-Krida differ from traditional five-element philosophies around the world.

Actual GoKrida game sets are quite rare nowadays. The last commercial product by Brigham and Sons Ltd. was discontinued in 1873, while there are only a few of the older handcarved sets left in existence.

The Sky Element is usually known as the Fire Element in European versions of the game, while the Hindu variant replaces Leaf with Fire.



Most of the Knowledge paths take around 42 actions in that path, though some vary from this.
Pre-requisite(s) are for inventing. To learn from someone the requirements are usually higher.
As of 2006-07-22:
GK Knowledge Tree Link

Table of Contents
1. Construction Knowledges
2. Combat Knowledges
|- 2.1. Diplomacy
|- 2.2. Warfare
3. Elemental Knowledges
4. Sorcery Knowledges
5. Spatial Knowledges
6. Telepathy Knowledges
7. Alchemy Knowledges
8. Conjuration Knowledges
|- 8.1. Heavy Metals
|- 8.2. Elemental Items
9. Learning Knowledges
10. Illusion Knowledges
11. Baking Knowledges
12. Angelic Knowledges

1. Construction Knowledges

Allows the construction of stone quarries and walls. Stone quarries produces Stones, necessary in many construction tasks.
Walls are to slow down travel speed of any unwelcomed visitors.
* Earth souls do not need to learn Stoneworking in order to build Quarries.
In addition, Earth souls have a larger range of locations where Quarries can be built.
* Water souls can not build Quarries at all.
Pre-requisite: None

Allows construction of roads to reduce travel time between hexes. Each road require 20 Stones to complete.
Roads (or paths, for that matter) may be built from water to dry land, and from dry land to dry land, but not from dry land to water or water to water.
If a road (or path) is built from a hex to a hex, and both hexes are flooded, the road still stands.
* Water souls must learn Roadbuilding in order to build Paths and Roads.
Pre-requisite: Stoneworking

Allows the construction of Tungsten Gardens which yield the highly desirable, basic alchemical item Tungsten.
Pre-requisite to learn: Knowledge of Stoneworking
Pre-requisite to use: Metal only

Fish Lore
Allows the construction of Fisheries which yield food for Water Souls.
Pre-requisite to learn: None
Pre-requisite to use: Water only

Allows the construction of Towers which is built on very high mountains (1700 meters or higher)
Standing on top of the Tower allows one to view a larger portion of a planet.
It takes 410 Stones to build a single tower.
Pre-requisites: Construction [Accomplished]

2. Combat Knowledges

2.1 Diplomacy
Allows the actions Recruit Hamlet and Recruit City. With Diplomacy you also gain the ability to Aggravate or Pacify your hamlets with one exception.
This can be done to hamlets in your line of sight only.
Pre-requisite: None

Local Diplomacy
Adds to diplomacy in that it allows one to add Aggravate or Pacify actions to their queue. These actions are the same as with nomal Diplomacy, but can not be timed.
Pre-requisite: None

Expert Diplomacy
Allows donating hamlets to other players
Pre-requisite: Diplomacy

2.2 Warfare
Increases fighting ability
Pre-requisite: War [High Capable]

Advanced Offense
Increases fighting ability further
Pre-requisite: War [Adept]

Expert Offense
Increases fighting ability even further
Pre-requisite: War [Brilliant]

3. Elemental Knowledges

Elemental Magic
Allows the magic action Listen Earth.
Listen Earth allows one to determine the integrity of the land to see if the Earth needs Charged (at an Earth Temple) or if a hex is charged for a successful triggering session.
Pre-requisite: None

Weather Lore
Allows allows Call Rain for non-Water people and Call Rain and Summon Ocean Current for Water people.
Summon Ocean Current takes 2 hours flat and costs 1 SE -- must be between two oceans.
Pre-requisite: None

Earth Magic
Allows the construction of Earth Temples.
It takes 7 SE, 111 Stones and 111 Wood to build one.
It must be built on a hill.
Earth Temple is crucial in maintaining a healthy planet.
When the planet's power dwindles, someone must go to the Temple and Charge Earth.

(All Elements)
Charge Earth is to channel a person's spiritual energy to the earth to maintain the health of a planet.
Each Earth Charging session costs 3 SE.
Pre-requisite: Construction

Expert Earth Magic
Allows the action Terra Diutinus to protect yourself using
the forces of the earth. Must me both taught and cast on an Earth Temple.
Pre-requisite: Earth Only; Elemental Magic [Capable]

Water Magic
Allows the magic action Create Spring which will daily produce water to flood the hex and eventually form and ocean. The hex in question will sink every day and when it becomes a Water square, the spring disappears.
No Pre-requisites.

Leaf Magic
Allows the magic action Enchant Forest. An Enchanted forest will attack those who go into it. It can also add souls to your army, cancel actions, or extend them.
Pre-requisite(s): Elemental Magic, Leaf Only

Advanced Leaf Magic
Allows magic action Enhance Forest to form Old Forest. An Old Forest produces Goblin Moss, a favorite food for Leaf Souls, and also maximizes the hamlet to 200 creatures.
Pre-requisite(s): Leaf only; Leaf Magic [Effective]

Expert Leaf Magic
Allows one to awaken and sleep forests - a little bit like aggravate and pacify hamlets.
Pre-requisite(s): Leaf Only; Leaf Magic [Accomplished?]

Allows one to increases the maximum size of one’s hamlet.
Associated Skill: Gardening
Pre-requisite(s): Leaf Only; Leaf Magic [Experienced]; Expert Leaf Magic

Plains Magic
This will Enhance Plains to create meadows. Meadows seem to hold their charge and not loose it when a sky soul flies across it, according to current data.
This requires: 4 SE, 1 Starstone, and 1 Dysprosium
Pre-requisite(s): None Known

4. Sorcery Knowledges

Fundamentals of Sorcery
Allows the magic action Force Bolt. Force Bolts are used in combat and can be very effective in eliminating one's enemy. This spell can backfire and kill some of your own souls but it is unable to completely kill the caster..
Pre-requisite: None

Allows magic action Magic Missile Like Force Bolt, only stronger. Unlike Force Bolt, however, Magic Missile does have the possibility of
completely killing you should it fail and your souls are low enough.
Pre-requisite: Sorcery [Accomplished]

Broken Sorcery
Destroys the tile one is on and creates “blasted land.”
Pre-requisite: Sorcery [Accomplished]

Allows the magic action Unform to weaken the planet by absorbing its energy.
Pre-requisite: Fundamentals of Sorcery

Master Decimagic
Allows the action, Master Unform which destroys a hex completely -- makes it disappear! One must pick a direction from the "arrows" screen to cast this spell.
Pre-requisites: Decimagic; Sorcery [Talented]

Brings the dead back to life.
Pre-requisite: Sorcery [Experienced]; Death [Effective]

5. Spatial Knowledges

Much of this section is taken from Dragyn's excellent web site about Spatial Magic based on his long-term researches. You must go to his site to get the full understanding of some of the specifics:
Elemental Magic
When you cast Listen Earth on a square where “the air shimmers” (can be seen on a detail screen) you could get any of three (four, really) messages that pertain to how high a square is charged. The "first" is when you get nothing, so you have way more people to the charge on the square, or the square isn't charged at all. The true first message ("second") is when it says the air glows dimly. This means there's enough charge to warrant a message, but when the ratio of people in your tribe to amount of charges is more than 5. The second (or "third") message is that the air shimmers. This occurs when the charge ratio is less than 5 but more than 2.5. The final message is that the air flares with pungent sparks. Any ChR between 0 and 2.5 will display this message.
Pre-requisites: None

Basic Spatial Magic
Allows the magic action Charge Space
"Charge space" spell increases the amount of charge (spatial energy) on a square. Some amount of charging is required for basically all of spatial actions to work correctly. Sky souls also get the action Charge Space II which charges the hex faster for a cost of 1 SE.
Pre-requisites: Elemental Magic [Capable], Sky Only (for Charge Space II)

Spatial Magic
Allows the magic actions Trigger and Disrupt. Trigger sosts 1 SE and will move you to the person who has last Gathered. However, the square needs to be charged up quite a bit (about 2.5 Charge/person Ratio or lower: meaning the air is flaring when Listen Earth is cast). The usual measure is ONE CHARGE per TWO pps. Triggering while burdened is possible, however, it increases the amount of charge needed. Also, if you’re triggering many people, even if they all read a “pungent sparks” Listen Earth message, it may not mean the square is charged enough for all of them, because Listen Earth only depends on your own tribe count and does not factor in others on the square. Finally, Trigger only uses up (on that square) the least amount of charge required to move whomever is being triggered.
Pre-requisite: Basic Spatial Magic

Advanced Spatial Magic
Allows the Action Gather which Orients the spatial matrix towards yourself. When souls perform a trigger they will go to the pserson who has the Matrix.
Pre-requisite: Spatial Magic [Capable]

Expert Spatial Magic
Allows actions Create Weir Gate and Align Weir Gate
Pre-requisite: Sky Only; Spatial Magic [Proficient?]

Allows the magic actions Energize Portal I and Energize
Portal 2
Pre-requisite: Advanced Spatial Magic; Spatial Magic [Experienced?]

Master Portalcraft
Pre-requisite: Portalcraft, ?

Aerial Magic
Allows the magic action Fly: so a Sky Soul can fly between two charged spaces with 1 person. However, the casting depletes some amount of charged energy from each action.
Pre-requisites: Basic Spatial Magic; Sky Only; Spatial Magic [Effective?]

Astral Magic
Allows a Sky Soul to: Sleep (Smoke Goblin Moss to cause a "trance-induced" sleep); Wake (Cancellation of Sleep); Drift (Drift from one hex to another during sleep. One can "dream drift" to a whole other world while doing this. Drifting ability has proven essential in the non-escape world creation via TA (an Earth only Alchemy.)
Pre-requisites: Spatial magic (Accomplished?)

Aural Magic
Allows the casting of the spell known as "Echo." This spell allows you to determine, roughly, the amount of ppl:charge ratio on a square by seeing how many dots (or periods, points, whatever) follow a base message from the spell. However, the spell has some amount of error between individual castings. Therefore, don’t use this spell as a be-all and end-all measure of charge. By the way, messages with only 1 or no dots following them means that either the spell was a failure or it’s charged very little. Echo has also been seen to have slightly different results based on the number of people in your tribe when casting.
Pre-requisites: Basic Spatial Magic; Sky Only; Spatial Magic [Capable]

6. Telepathy Knowledges

Allows the magic actions Search and Signal. Search allows one to look for another major soul and locate his/her whereabout. Search gives positive XP while Signal detracts XP from the level.
Pre-requisite: None known

Advanced Telepathy
Allows the action Probe
Pre-requisite: Telepathy [Capable]

Expert Telepathy
Allows the action Scry which tells you what action a person is doing(if any) and how long until they complete that action.
Pre-requisite: Telepathy [Effective]

Master Telepathy
Allows the action Scan. Scanning allows the caster of the spell to read the system messages of the target soul.
Pre-requisite: Telepathy [Proficient]

Allows the action Control, Release, Submit, and Command. Command allows the caster of the spell to replace the target soul's actions with the caster's queued actions. This costs 1 SE. It does not always work on active souls but works very well on glazies.
Pre-requisite: Telepathy [Talented]; Master Telepathy

Morphic Telepathy
Allows the actions Shock Body, Shock Memory, Inquire, Clear Messages, and Rename Knowledge. Shocking another player's body might abort that person's activity. It takes 1 SE to cast. Shocking another player's memory might make that person abandon their future plans. Inquire allows seeing someone else's system messages and some other activities (such as recently receiving a message from so-and-so, etc.) It costs 1 SE per session.
Pre-requisites: Telepathy [Effective]

Discussion Forum
Allows the actions Discussion Nexus (14 SE) and Charge Forum (11 SE)
Pre-requisite: Telepathy

Expert Discussion Forum
Allows the actions Conceal Forum and Reveal Forum
Pre-requisite: Telepathy [Experienced]

Smur of Lunna
Makes all the words in the caster's forum spelled backward.
Pre-requisite: Telepathy [Accomplished]

Allows one to preform an action untill being signaled by a certain person. You then automaticaly cancel the action you are preforming and start the next thing in your queue.
Pre-requisite: Telepathy [Experienced?]

7. Alchemy Knowledges

Allows the actions Distill and Alchemy. Alchemy can transform TWO of your supported elemental materials into ONE of your own. For example, if you are Sky, you can turn two Teardrops into one Starstone. See the Alchemy thread for detailed description of each Elemental alchemical production.
Distill the alchemical essences of the Elements to make 1 Quintessence. No known use for Qintessence has been discovered -- except that it is useful in "Angelic Magic." It takes 1 Adamant, 1 Starstone, 1 Earthbone, 1 Teardrop, 1 Moonleaf, 1 Tungsten and 6 Wood to perform this magic.
Pre-requisite: Elemental Magic [Capable]; Knowledge [Capable]

Expert Alchemy
Turns Adamant into SE and thus can be used to create SE. The amount of SE created depends on how it is used. Using 1 Adamant it is believed the caster would produce the following SE amounts:

2 SE if used on self
3 SE if sent to another soul on-planet
1 SE if sent to another soul off-planet

It takes 2 Adamants, 1 Alchemical Instruments, and 1 Wood for a cast.
Pre-requisite: Metal Only, Adamatine Alchemy, Alchemy [Effective?]

Allows two actions: Build Laboratory, and Manufacture
A Laboratory allows a Metal Soul to Manufacture Alchemical Instruments needed in Expert Alchemy (for man-made SEs). It takes 1 SE, 10 Stones, 5 Woods, 3 Irons, 1 Tungsten, and 1 Adamant to build. Manufacture takes 1 Tungsten and transforms it into 1 Alchemical Instrument which is needed in creating SEs.

Pre-requisite for Build Lab: Metal Only; Construction and Manufacture
Pre-requisite for Manufacture: Metal Only; Manufacture

Desert Alchemy
Allows the action Desert Alchemy to mass-produce Ironweed. Any can learn, only Earth and Metal Element can perform this magic. Two woods and 100 desert seeds are required. At a low alchemy level, each cast produces 18 Ironweed. However, as one's alchemy level advances, the production value decreases.
Pre-requisite: None

Solar Alchemy
Allows the actions Create and Dispatch Glitterbomb. To create a glitterbomb takes 1 SE, 1 Starstone, 1 Tungsten, and 1 Wood. Each time a glitterbomb is dispatched, it costs 1 SE. Dispatching a glitterbomb will cancel whatever action the targeted Major Soul is performing. Useful during invasion.
Pre-requisite: Alchemy [Capable]

Adamantine Alchemy
Allows the action Transform Tungsten (to Adamant). Each spell transforms 8 Tungstens and 5 Woods into one Adamant. No SEs required.
Pre-requisite: Metal Only; Alchemy [Capable]; Crystallurgy

Iron Alchemy
Allows the action Iron Alchemy to distill Ironweed into Iron. Any element can learn, but only Metal and Earth can use it. 4 Woods and 31 Ironweed create one Iron. Iron is needed to build a Lab. for the manufacturing of Alchemical Instruments that can be used in Expert Alchemy.
Pre-requisites: Alchemy [Capable], Desert Alchemy

Terrestrial Alchemy
Allows one to make a one-square planet (an asteroid).
Pre-requisite: Alchemy [1]

Expert Terrestrial Alchemy
Allows one to form a single hex (to expand the size of a planet.)
Pre-requisites: Earth Only, Pre-Requisite: Alchemy [3]

Lunar Alchemy
Allows Metal to convert 2 Adamant into one Moonleaf
Pre-requisites: Metal Only, Experienced (?) in Alchemy

Lapidarian Alchemy
Convert White Sand into Gems.
Pre-requisites: Alchemy[1]; Metal Only?

Chromatic Alchemy
Allows you to convert materials into others. You need 200 of one item and one metal. There are many possible conversions and some of the research that has been done can be viewed at
Pre-requisites: Expert Alchemy, Experienced (?) in Alchemy; Metal Only?

Manufacturing of Alchemical Instruments
Pre-requisites: Experienced (?) in Alchemy; Metal Only?

8. Conjuration Knowledges

In the conjuration formulas 'Level' stands for conjuration level.

The knowledge path for the ability to conjure Heavy Metals is as follows:

|- Conjuration of Nectar
|- Basic Conjuration of Iron
|- Conjuration of Moss
|- (Heavy metal-specific conjurations)

Allows the conjuration of Desert Seeds
Yields: 3 + (7 * Level)
Pre-requisite(s): None

Conjuration of Grain
Allows the conjuration of Grains
Pre-requisite(s): Conjuration; some experience with Conjuration

Conjuration of Wood
Allows the conjuration of Wood
Yields: 1 + (4 * Level)
Pre-requisite(s): Conjuration; some experience with Conjuration; Conjuration of Nectar

Conjuration of Nectar
Allows you to conjure Violet Nectar
Yields: 4 + (3 * Level)
Pre-requisite(s): Conjuration; some experience with Conjuration

Conjuration of Potatoes
Allows you to conjure Potatoes
Yields: 4 + (6 * Level)
Pre-requisite(s): Conjuration; some experience with Conjuration

Conjuration of Fish
Allows you to conjure Herringfish
Yields: 6 + (3 * Level)
Pre-requisite(s): Conjuration; some experience with Conjuration

Conjuration of Moss
Allows you to conjure Goblin Moss.
Yields: 1 Moss
Pre-requisite(s): Basic Conjuration of Iron; Some experience with Conjuration

Conjuration of Ashes
Allows you to conjure Ashes
Yields: 1 + (6 * Level)
Pre-requisite(s): Conjuration; Conjuration [1 or 2]

Conjuration of Snails
Allows you to conjure Snails
Yields: 2 + (5 * Level)
Pre-requisite(s): Conjuration; some experience with Conjuration

Conjuration of Stones
Allows you to conjure Stone
Yields: 1 + (2 * Level)
Pre-requisite(s): Conjuration; some experience with Conjuration; Conjuration of Nectar

Basic Conjuration of Iron
Allows you to conjure Ironweed
Yields: 5 + (2 * Level)
Pre-requisite(s): Conjuration; some experience with Conjuration

Conjuration of Bread
Allows you to conjure Flatbread
Yields: 5 + (3 * Level)
Pre-requisite(s): Conjuration; some experience with Conjuration

8.1. Heavy Metals

Conjuration of Tungsten
Yields: 1 Tungsten
Costs: 3 SE
Pre-requisite(s): Conjuration of Moss

Conjuration of Zirconium
Yields: 1 Zirconium
Costs: 3 SE
Pre-requisite(s): Conjuration of Moss

Conjuration of Hydrangym
Yields: 1 Hydrangym
Costs: 3 SE
Pre-requisite(s): Conjuration of Moss

Conjuration of Dysprosium
This allows the conjuration of Dysprosium.
Yields: 1 Dysprosium
Cost: 3 SE
Pre-requisite(s): Conjuration of Moss; some experience with Conjuration

8.2. Elemental Items

Leaf Conjuration
Yields: 1 Moonleaf
Costs: 40 SE
Pre-requisite(s): Basic Conjuration of Iron; some experience with Conjuration

Metal Conjuration
Yields: 1 Adamant
Costs: 40 SE
Pre-requisite(s): Basic Conjuration of Iron; some experience with Conjuration

Earth Conjuration
Yields: 1 Earthbone
Costs: 40 SE
Pre-requisite(s): Basic Conjuration of Iron; some experience with Conjuration

Sky Conjuration
Yields: 1 Starstone
Costs: 40 SE
Pre-requisite(s): Basic Conjuration of Iron; some experience with Conjuration

Water Conjuration
Yields: 1 Teardrop
Costs: 40 SE.
Pre-requisite(s): Basic Conjuration of Iron; some experience with Conjuration

9. Learning Knowledges

Allows the action Examine which allows player to assess someone else’s level of knowledge. In order to do so, that someone must be waiting to be taught. to teach them. It also provides the action 'Count' which allows you to choose exactly how long you want to pause. This is unlike 'Wait' which is for 1 hour only.
Pre-requisite: Knowledge [Capable]

Allows the action Forget. This gets rid of useless knowledges to allow for easier learning and inventing of useful knowledges. Amnesia reduces your Knowledge skill, but gives you Limbology experience.
Pre-requisites: Knowledge [Effective]

Allows the action Horomancy which reads the Day/Time name and color of the moment when this knowledge is used.
Pre-requisites: Knowledge [Effective]

Allows 3 more knowledges than one's knowledge limit.
Pre-requisites: Knowledge [Proficient]

Allows you to cast Ingeminate and Disengeminate. Ingeminate allows one to repeat the queued actions without typing them repetitively. Disengeminate cancels Ingemination.
Pre-requisites: Knowledge [Capable]

Allows the one possessing this skill to write and erase notes on a hex. Limited to 32 characters.
Pre-requisites: Learning Knowledge; Knowledge [Effective]

Randomly reduces the target soul's knowledges by one.
Cost: 3 SE
Pre-requisites: Limbology[1]

Expert Limbology
Allows one to regress target soul's skill levels.
Pre-requisites: Limbology[2]

Allows user to complaining or suggesting things to another major soul. Both cost 1 SE and a long time (19 hours to start) to cast. Its usefulness seems to be shrouded still and no one has discovered why such a knowledge exists.
Pre-requisites: None known

10. Illusion Knowledges

Fundamentals of Illusion
Allows you to cast Temporvoltus, which gives a picture corresponding to the day to a target soul. Also gives ability to cast Devestus, which removes the picture.
Pre-requisite: Knowledge XP, Telepathy [3]

Allows you to cast Inficio Mundus which throws the entire universe into a state of color and confusion. There are a few theories on its real purpose, but none have been confirmed.
Pre-requisite: None known

11. Baking Knowledges

Allows the action Bake to produce flatbread which is an acceptable and nutritious food for all Elements. Baking turns 80 wheat grain and 1 wood into 64 flatbread.

Expert Baking
Allows the baking of Cake -- with nectar, wood, and grain. There are at least 4 known types of cakes. Their nutritious value seems to be quite high.

12. Angelic Knowledges

Allows you to ascend to heaven without dying, for a cost of SE.
Pre-requisites: Angelic Only
Pre-Requisite: Baking [3]

Stats Areas

Aerial Magic
To Advance: Fly (Sky only). Data by Murtagh:
46 flights for Capable
55 flights for Effective

To Advance: Alchemize. Desert alchemy is universally available, although only Metal and Earth can utilize it. Metal souls have access to more knowledges. The only way for Leaf, Water and Sky to reach Alchemy '1' is to use the knowledges given by the spell "Alchemy." The most time-efficient way of gaining Alchemy skills is by using Adamantine Alchemy. This, however, is not available except to Metal souls and is somewhat costly in terms of items.
40 'Alchemies' are needed to attain Alchemy 1.
42 Desert Alchemies are needed to attain Alchemy 1.
108 Desert Alchemies are needed to go from Alchemy 0 to Alchemy 2.

Angelic Magic
To advance: Summon Souls, Ascend, Escape, etc. Very SE costly.
Angelic is the only area in which the gain of multiple stats through one action is recorded. Pakaran reports gaining both Angelic 2 and Angelic 3 from a single Ascend.

Astral Magic
To Advance: Sleep, Drift, Wake (Sky Only)
When going into Astral, be sure to queue a Wake!

To advance: Bake

To Advance: Conjure
Advancing Conjuration level is not directly related to the amount of SE spent.

To Advance: Build, Dig, Raze and Destroy

To Advance: Die. Earth Soul with TD will be able to gain Death Stats
more easily because Earth soul can die without being dead or losing stats. Since Dying costs xp, sometimes to die is to regress in Death stats (lower or losing the area.)

To Advance: Convert hamlets.

^^Elemental Magic^
To Advance: Practice Elementally specific magic. The most common way to gain xp is to raise/lower land. Charge Earth gives a boost to Elemental Magic level.

To Advance:

To Advance: Glean. Current data shows (Thanks to blobglob, evyndd,
aeneas, and others):
Start: 2h 11m
After 40 gleans: 2h 8m*, Capable
After 80-82 gleans: 2h 4m
[After 95-99 gleans: Effective]
After 132-138 gleans: 2h
As of 171 gleans: still 2h, Effective
[Edit: After 173 gleans: Accomplished]

To Advance: Utilize Hypnology skills.

To Advance:

To Advance: Cast illusion related spells: Inficio Mundus, Temporvoltus,
and Devestus

To Advance: Walk a lot. The more people and the more weight gives
more stats.

To Advance: Teach, Learn, and Invent. Successful invents boost one's
knowledge level. According to Rabek's data: You lose a bit of your knowledge stat, as well, whenever you forget. You also gain knowledge even on failed invents. The amount that forgetting drains your knowledge is (as far as I know) equal to about one failed invent.

Leaf Magic
To Advance: Enchant or sleep forests. Leaf specific.

To Advance: Forget knowledges or use limbology.

To Advance: manufacturing alchemical instruments or other alchemical gadgets

To Advance: Wait.

To Advance: Casting Nourish

To Advance: Practice Sorcery such as Force Bolting (someone else or self)

Spatial Magic
To Advance: Charge Space, Trigger, Gather. Successful Gather seems
to give the most boost. A sky soul can gain a boost in XP by Aligning
Weir Gates.

To Advance: Utilize Telepathic powers. Creating and charging forums
seems to give the most boost. Probe and Scry give almost equal XP, according to JWRTolkien's data, but Scan gives more. The difference is between 1 minute/1 SE for Scry and 52 minutes/no SE for Probe. Excessive signalling causes telepathy exp loss.

To Advance: Engage in warfare. Killing large hamlets boosts War XP.

To Advance: Calling rain and summoning ocean current (summoning ocean current is only for water).

A Lizard's Tale

by Gecko

This is the story of my life on Go-Krida, it's dumb, it's long, and it'll probably remind you of mashed peas. Yes. It's that good. So here on a hot june morning, I lazily write my memories of Go-Krida.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It's all grey... my. Oooh, here's a staircase! A gate... five gates... Metal. Hmm... Life. Interesting.

Black Grotto...

So I am the bane of leaf and the banee of Sky eh? Maybe I should go destroy the Sky gate... that way the Sky people cannot kill me. I shall journey.

Silverknight? Hello, I'm Gecko, I'm going to the Sky gate, do you know where it is? Ooh.. West. Then that's where I will go.

Gaia? Hello, all I see here is water... there is no Sky gate. Do you know where it is? It's near you? Ok.

Wait... You're killing me. Hey! That was my favorite toe! My God... you just cut off my legs! Oh well, it's only a flesh wound!



Leaf. I will destroy my killer. Mother nature will be defeated by Father Nature. Mwahaha.

Black Grotto...

There's land around me for the taking, I'll take it. I'll build up my people before I kill this monster. Hello Link, Hello Elendae!

Anabel? You want food? Of course, and yes, you can stay on my land as long as you please.


I will make a "Black Grotto Guild" Anabel will be in it. We are friends now. Link is in it. I journey to him. I say hi. I go to sleep. When I wake up, greyness.

Leaf, of course.

Blue Twin...

I see Mystic Mist... I see Sproo. I'm mad that I am not on my loved Black Grotto. I speak to Anabel. The Black Grotto Guild is now the Black Grotto Alliance, it is going well. She tells me the only way to get back is to kill myself. So I do. Greyness...

Blue Twin...

I kill myself again. I want to help Anabel with the BGA!


Blue Twin...

Bah, I'll invent.

Leaf Magic. Why doesn't it do anything? I ask Sproo.

He dosn't know.

There is a man named "Tututkhamen" on Blue Twin, he is causing a disturbance. Sproo asks me to take care of the gate while he helps the other souls kill Tututkhamen. I guard well. I like Sproo, he is powerfull. I go to a hamlet, Mystic Mist's old hamlet. I find it's aggressive, I can do nothing.


Yellow Moon...

I see God, I see Froggy, I want to get back to Blue Twin to guard the gate. So I kill myself again.


Rainbow Catastrophe Earth.

I'm done with all this dying, there's a lot of land around here, so I take control of it. I see Mosga, I see Daithi. They are my friends now. I live my life well, it's fun. I hear about another soul with Leaf Magic. He seems to have used it. I use my leaf magic, it's fun. We talk about how interesting this new power is. Life is good.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Chapter 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(Gecko, Jun 14)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Anabel is here! She talks about this new magic called "Spatial Magic". She says she can travel worlds with it. I ask her to teach me. She teaches me other things too. I look at my skills and am amazed, I can kill somebody with Sorcery!

I decide to travel west, I leave my land with QueenMulla. I see Scatterbrain, and I teach him my new magics. We practice the Sorcery on glazed players. It is fun.

As I talk to Anabel about this new Spatial Magic, I decide to create a new alliance. A universal alliance. It will be called the "Black Portal Alliance" and anybody from any world can join. Anabel is on Yellow Moon now, and she has a friend called "KiOfSiRiJS". I find him incredibly annoying, he asks all these stupid questions. I don't want him in the alliance, but Anabel says that we should let everybody in so I let him in.

Futurebeatle has another alliance like mine. He tells me "i tink we shood join 4ces, f r e 1 shood be in R allaince". So we make the Universal Portal Allaince.

I am on the forums and I read of a very annoying soul named "DoomAxe". He is water, and I decide that I will go kill him for TearDrop.

I journey west again, and I reach the ends of the earth, I see an interesting sight... Gaia is in the ocean. She appears to be killing DoomAxe.. oh well, when one window closes, a door (in the shape of a water soul) opens. I settle my people on the edge of the sea and create Old Forests. I wait there and study Gaia's movements. She seems to have a system.

I hear about a new Alliance called "The Brotherhood of E". I think that it'd probably be an interesting group of people to be friends with. Tututkahmen, that angel that so long ago killed Zog, LordGarion, an angel that angered God so much that he was crippled on the forums, and last but not least Eclipse... the "damigod" of destruction.

I message Eclipse.

He says I have to kill somebody powerful.

I see Gaia.

I smile.

Suddenly, Gannet is there. He goes to Gaia. Things are bad now. I won't be able to take them both on, plus, Gaia has many people. I decide to just kill Gannet, he only has one person while Gaia has around four hundred on her. Also, Gannet killed Anabel, my greatest friend. I plan.

The night is still. Gaia and Gannet are asleep... I shed my people, I have only ten with me. I secretly enter the water and mount a surprise attack on Gannet. I think of how he murdered Anabel and how I will join the Brotherhood. But suddenly, he's awake! He summons people, I can do nothing, I am still moving towards him.

I am there.

He starts his chanting, and I start mine. I take off three, four, five of his people, he has only 2 left. No! I fail, I am paralyzed with the failure and I cannot move as his Missile of Blue Flame engulfs me...


I chose leaf, dejectedly...

Rainbow Catastrophe Earth. At least I am home.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Chapter 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(Gecko, Jun 14)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I take back my village, thank QueenMulla for her friendship and start building up my lands again. Old Forests spring up everywhere, and hamlets of two hundred are common now. I let friends live inside my borders. Dryad, PoisonIvy, QueenMulla - they help me and I help them. I help my friend Sergio start out in the southern reaches of the leaf lands - he grows in strength too.

These days are fun. Soccerdad walks among the south of my lands now, I keep the Leaf gate clean of people whos eyes have glazed and clones.

Multimagin is here. I go to the gate to eradicate this clonelord. Another of his clones apears, and another and another. I dispatch Multimagin rather quickly, and I have another at his last legs, but they reapear at the gate just as soon as I kill them! I quickly message the Archangel Streben and ask him to save me while I'm still alive, and like a meracle he apears! He dispatches them in the time it takes me to blink... I'm stricken with fear and respect. He leaves with my peace and thanks.

Shooken by this near death I put a large hamlet on the gate and start to build my hamlets up even larger. I talk to Soccerdad about possibly letting me buy some of his men with land.

As I journey to his lands I am again caught on the gate with these clones... but this time, Streben doesn't get there in time. I die with the swords of seven clones.


I pick the gate of vines...

I see my friend Zhater, I'm not in RCE anymore toto...

Rainbow Maiden...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Chapter 3~~~~~~~~~~~

(Gecko, Jun 14)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Rainbow Maiden -- I've heard of this, the last stand of Eclipse I beleive.

Now it is the world of Zhater, Anabel and Froggy are helping him make this world a universal power once again. There's a leaf gate, and the young sprouts are everywhere.

Journey south, to an unowned village - I take it.

The charges leave my hands and enter the space surrounding me, the energy is static everywhere in this small village. I ready my hand and Telepathically signal my friend on Rainbow Catastrophe - I say "God be with you" to Zhater and Anabel and leave the beatiful forests of Rainbow Maiden.

Ah - my lands are still as beautiful as when I left them. The minor souls apear to be a larger number than before, larger than any other army I have ever seen.


My days are quiet now. Nothing much to do save Enchant the forests and grow my people. The Vile Storms that happened a few days ago frightened me - my friend Skajunma was killed in them as she travelled from world to world. The world she was on was destroyed.

I have recently started the Universal Portal Alliance again, Scatterbrain and Dragyn my right and left.

God has reintigrated himself, he is now Shzuru - the Archangel of Energy.

I am level ten now. I feel so much better.

I go to my north country to vacation, I hardly wake from my slumber for the next couple months - and when I finally do awake I find a horrer - Quezalcoatl has killed me while I slept.

Greyness is everywhere.

Heaven - it's different

Weed through the souls to the mountains

Journey to the temple of Zefial

Such new and wonderous things to see

The Rim

I'm too impatient to walk it, but it's beauty is still amazes me

The Garden, a secret, I find it and the crystal flowers entice my mind with their exotic charm

The Bedroom of Shzuru

The Logos

I read

I understand

The First Light - the heart of Shzuru

The Temple of Sebian, I see the new souls enter the universe

I wait in the greyness while I talk to Dworkin and Scatterbrain, Ithelruna and Corioll, Sproo and Anabel, Froggy and Soccerdad

It appears Quetzalcoatl has taken my lands - I say I will be back for them, he agrees to give me them when I return

I have set my mind on being Ressurected

Dworkin is taking so long... he is doing what he can though

We talk of the Lunar Alliance - it has fallen some since Froggy and Skajunma led it.

The Front is started


Silly LA

But plans become naught, opinions change

I sit in Zefial's chair and leaf through his books and papers - he appears to not be very active.

I poke him


Didn't do anything

I carve my name into his leg


Didn't do anything


Anabel is calling me

I land in her arms... Metal.

Rainbow Maiden, once again.

~~~~~~~~~~~End of Chapter 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(Gecko, Jun 15)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Metal - I feel so restricted, almost inhuman.

So different from the lively looseness of Leaf... well, Arzyeka's will will be done I guess.

Oooh... Anabel


I'm alive again.

Goodbye Anabel, Ancalagon has offered to show me the ways of Metal

This new Alchemy sounds interesting.

Desert Seeds turn into Ironweed turn into Iron...

This power feels so different from the musical magic of the trees.



As my Tungsten starts to pile up, I head to my friend KingDucky on his world. He has so much Tungsten!

Next to Blue Twin, thank you Pevati for telling me about this Tungsten.

Of course I will tranform for you Illniyar!

Such beautiful things on Blue Twin.

Hamlets of three hundred leaf on White Mountains.

Tungsten everywhere, Quintessense everywhere...


I need to get back in the loop, if I ever was in it.

Enix? You want to use my people to help defend from an attack?

Of course.

Enix, why are you on my village?

My village is no longer there...

Enix, why did you destroy my village?

"i din distroi ur village? hehe?"

Back to RM - this idiot must be taught a lesson.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Chapter 5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(Gecko, Jun 17)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Enix... what an idiot.

He's pompous, arrogant, presumptuous... my, I'll be glad when he's gone.

He reminds me a bit of that KiOfSiRiJS guy, save the fact Kio has much better grammar and dosn't go around destroying his allies lands.

Ah, thank you Anabel for Gathering, I appreciate it. I can always count on you, eh?

Ah! There is that blasted fool, he's flooding my lands!

So I start rebuilding my village - why would he do such a thing? I was his bloody ally!

Ok. He just took all the hamlets I let him borrow and is coming at me with them.


He's forcebolting me.

What a good ally.

"hehe? u r gunna di? lol?"



Like that?


Gothmistress? You can help me? Queztalcoatl will help too? But I have to forgive him.... oh well. He was just a noob. Noobs do things like that.

Thank you Gothmistress, Queztalcoatl. I owe you my life.

Yellow Moon... so different than before.

So many new players.... so many Sorc points...


Gate Patrol is fun... Eh?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Chapter 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(Gecko, Jun 20)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Yellow Moon - it squirms, it buzzes, it thrives; the metropolis of the universe, unlike any other planet.

Mastering Sorcery here has proven rather simple. There are plenty of younger souls that seem to want to die. It makes me feel almost evil. It's a good feeling.

Oh! There's my friend Futurebeatle! I wonder how he died - oh, right, my other friend Siegfried killed him. I wonder why people just can't get along.

Wait.. why is Futurebealte chanting like that?

Arzyeka in Dream! He just destroyed the gate!

Ouroboros! We must do something about this... Alright, I'll keep this side under control - I've just messaged everybody I can, the defenses should be falling in shortly!

Futurebeatle again! He destroyed another one! We need to get these denses up now!

Here - I'll teach everybody I can Solar Alchemy, this allows for people to stop Futurebeatles dangerous spell before he finishes it and destroys us all!

Ah! KiOfSiRiJS is coming with more people and Glitterbombs! Good, he can help us out with the guarding; we need a good strong soul for the Sky gate. Arzyeka be with him.

Oh no, Futurebeatle just destroyed the Water Gate on my beloved Rainbow Catastrophe Earth. I'm saddened by this loss. I remember when that gate was first built - I used to journey down there for Teardrop hunting every once in a while.

Things are finally together - the gates are all protected, the Leaf Gate is being rebuilt right now! Futurebeatle hasn't been heard of for a while though.

Normal life is starting to fall back. But wait... is that Talons on the gate? Holy Biscuit! How lucky can we get in a week? The first gate destroyer is here now...

We must act quickly to make sure Talons dosn't destroy the gate.

Shzuru be praised. She's gone. Things are back to normal, I'll start charging my square to leave now.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Chapter 7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~```

(Gecko, Jun 24)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 8~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
KingDucky - what a good friend. He's letting me Alchemize his Tungsten for him. Oh! My level of skill in Alchemy has risen once more! And what is this about new knowledges for us Masters of Metal? I need to journey back to Yellow Moon as soon as I can.

Ah! The Weir gates are starting to be used more. A new world is becoming the hubb for them, and KingDucky's world is going to be connected to it. Now I can just walk to Yellow Moon! This is the best thing since sliced Holy Bread. Yum. I like Holy Bread. Buttered Holy Bread.

What is KingDucky doing? He's angering Grandmother, the Matron of Blue Crone world. If he causes the Weir to be disconnected, I'm seriously gonna get peeved. Bah. People should learn to get along.

That's one of my biggest peeves, you know? People hate each other for stupid reasons. Then they expect me to hate them too by proxy, just cause I'm their friend. They don't take into account that I'm usually the friend of the other person too. Some people say I have no backbone, that I don't choose between different people; I think they are the people without backbones. They don't stick up for humanity. I have chosen, I have chosen my friends.

In any regard, I have now learned these new knowledges and am practicing them on Yellow Moon. Copasetic is letting me use his lands while I am here, he is such a kind soul. I wish there were more like him.

Ah - I am trading with these fine Yellow Mooners... they seem to want the SE I can now make through alchemy. Also they want knowledges and Adamant. All of which I have in overstock. (smiles)

Blooddrake? You have land for me on your world? Scatterbrain is there too? "White Sea"... Let me think about it. Well, if you insist... Ok.

We need lackies? Well, I know this one young fellow... nobody likes him much, but I think he has potential. Kcunda. Yes... Also, there is my friend Soybean, he is a sky soul like yourself. Ok. I'll bring Maleficiencia and Thrantar with me as well, they are both Conjurers of high regard.

This space is charged enough I think... I'll trigger now!

Oh damn... I failed and then triggered again... The fail must have taken charge away. Soybean and I are still here!

I'll go back down to Copasetic's lab and wait till Scatterbrain is ready again. In the meantime I think I'll invent...

Stoneworking... Azyeka's behind I wish I would stop inventing this useless knowledge over and over again.

Lapidarian Alchemy? Ooh... Interesting.

Now I must go... they are ready.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Chapter 8~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(Gecko, Jun 30)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 9~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

White Sea... Blooddrake, Scatterbrain, Kcunda, Thrantar, Maleficencia, this will be our home eh? We shall make this world as great as Yellow Moon and as powerfull as Blue Twin, but we will be our own.

Kcunda, you have done good work with the lands. I am glad I chose you.

Now quickly, I have to go once more. I will be back though...

Black Dust - a desert planet. Mmmmm desert... these arid plains are becoming closer to my heart then even the Old Forests of leaf.

Here you go Flawblure, your head is greater now, eh? I must go back to White Sea though, then to Rainbow Pheonix. I must do some work for Anjill.

Kcunda, you are ready now? Good, I shall start my magics.

I pull back the space and trigger from Black Dust... oh crap.

Deserts again.. but mountains are here too.

LordGarion? Snagglepuss? ltlprincess? Not quite the Kcunda I was expecting... though ltlprincess is a bit more attractive.

Snagglepuss is chanting... might be a good time to use a Glitterbomb.

Scatterbrain, I'm on Rainbow Youth... yes, I know it's been abandoned for hundreds of days. Yes... I could probably forcebolt Lordgarion... but no, I'm not gonna do that. I'll start summoning people just in case? All right?

Anjill - yeah I'm in a bit of a bind.

Kcunda - what happened?

And you, would you be able to help if I summoned you? Alright... good. Let me see if this can be fixed diplomatically. Oh yeah... Lordgarion is forcebolting me now.

Lordgarion - I don't want to battle you, I will call in people if neccessary.

Scatterbrain, Lordgarion is Forcebolting me now, I think I'm going to send in for reinforcements, yeah we could handle him. Oh great, Snagglepuss and ltlprincess are forcebolting me now too. Yay, this is a great day to miss a trigger, eh?

Lordgarion... respond. I haven't done anything to you, I'd really like to just leave...

Ah... we can make a deal? Ok. You've stopped? Good... I'm really not interested in RY... I just want to get back to WS and go to RP.

Kcunda, can you summon me? Ah... Bard can give you energy to do so? Good... I'm glad we have Bard here.

Anjill, I'm going to WS, I can come to your planet soon after.

Damnit.. Snagglepuss and ltltprincess are still forcebolting me! I thought you said you told them to stop Lordgarion? Ah... they probably haven't gotten the message yet... right.

Kcunda, summon me now... I'm still getting forcebolted.

Bye Rainbow Youth!

I precipitate from the sky of White Sea, thanks Kcunda. Now I've got to leave for Rainbow Pheonix.

Anjill... hello, what a nice welcome. Dragyn, Figgywiggy, Sproo, Inquisword. How good to see you all. A nice respite from the barrain lands of Rainbow Youth. Now I must start building.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Chapter 9~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Book of the Tribes

By Sproo

The Book of the Tribes

This wonderful peace of part fiction, part fact was written by Sproo's tribes, and compiled by Sproo. It tells the story of early Blue Twin. - archived by JWRTolkien, reposted by XiaoMu

Chapter 1: The Emergence
1. And so we emerged from heaven into a strange and harsh world.
2. "What place is this?" we cried.
3. Thus did answer Sproo, "This is our new home. Let us explore and see what can be found."
4. So we left the gate, into the harsh desert that was the world. And we suffered the elements.
5. And Sproo looked upon the desert and our suffering and spake, "This is not good. Let us build thickets and woods, that we might take shade from the sun, and that our feet be not burned by the sand, and that the land be not parched." And so we did as he spake, and were better for it.
6. And Sproo called water from the depths of the earth, which slaked our thirst, and moistened the ground, and we rejoiced.
7. But the desert surrounding our forest quickly drained the water, and the land became parched once more.
8. Sproo saw this and was not pleased, "Let us build larger forests, that the land might not suffer this harshness, and that water be readily available for us and our loved ones." And we did as he spake, and were better for it.
9. Yet once larger forests were built, we settled into a hamlet and grew complacent.
10. And Sproo watched us and was happy.
11. "Let us build a village," he declared, "So that we might harvest the good of the forests and violet fields we have created, and that our sons and daughters need never know the fear of starvation as we first did."
12. And we saw that this was a good idea, and did as Sproo suggested, and were better for it.

Chapter 2: The Invention
1. While we lived our merry lives, multiplied and were fruitful, Sproo engaged in deep thought over many days.
2. "Let us speak of Diplomacy" he declared when he left off his thinking.
3. "I have invented a way that we might convince others to join us and understand our ways."
4. And we listened to Sproo and knew he was correct and were excited. It would be a good thing to bring our peace and happiness to others.
5. Yet Sproo looked disturbed, "You do not understand," he said unto us.
6. Once more Sproo returned to his thoughts, and we discussed his invention and watched as other tribes entered the world and headed in their different directions.
7. Eventually Sproo came to us once more and declared, "I have discovered the Fundamentals of Sorcery! I can kill people with but a thought, and with no risk to those who accompany me."
8. And we were confused as to what use this frightful magic would be. For there were no threats in our land.
9. And Sproo replied, "We know of no threats, but we do not know the whole of the world. Perhaps there are threats elsewhere. Perhaps some tribes will not be peaceful to us."
10. And we hotly debated this question. Of course there could be threats, but if we could not see them, why worry about them. One might as well worry about the sky falling, though there is nothing one could do if it did.
11. And Sproo, realizing we did not believe spake.
12. "I shall go and explore. If there are no threats, than we need not be worried, but if there are, it would be good for us to know where they lay."
13. And we agreed with Sproo and he departed from us.

Chapter 3: The Short Long Walk
1. We watched tearfully as Sproo left us with only a handful of our best gatherers. We did not know where he was going, nor did he.
2. "I shall plant forests and paths as I go, that we may never again have to suffer the tribulations of the desert," he declared, and there was some happiness to be found in that.
3. It was many weeks before Sproo returned, and when he did it was with much urgency.
4. "I have been far, laid many forests, and many hamlets. I return to you now because our help has been requested. There is war in the south east.
5. And we were sore afraid. What use this war to us, asked the elders, and Sproo replied, "Do you think the war will not eventually spread here in any event? Best to help end it now, before those who act have grown too strong for us to withstand."
6. And, because of our love for Sproo, we listened to his words and many of us joined him.

Chapter 4: The First War
1. As we travelled, we asked Sproo our many questions. Who was this war for? Who was in the wrong? Who was in the right?
2. And as we travelled, Sproo told us what he knew. The war was between the great souls Christopher, Illniyar, and Zog, though it seemed none were sure of exactly who they fought for.
3. And we joined the war. And some of us died. And then Sproo came to us with a look of shame.
4. "I have received messages from those we fight against. They say our allies seek to betray us. I do not know what to believe."
5. And there was a great confusion. "Why are we here?" asked some, and Sproo had no reply.
6. And there was a great debate on whether to trust our supposed friend or our supposed enemy. Eventually Sproo said, "Let us stay with our friend, but not commit ourselves overmuch, 'lest he not be our true friend," and we agreed with this course of action.
7. So we aided our friend lightly, until we saw a sign of betrayal, as He turned away and left us to take the full wrath of our enemy's blow, yet our enemy cancelled their blow, and turned instead to follow our friend, and so we knew they spake truth.
8. "Let this be a lesson to us all," declared Sproo, "we shall not trust any man or woman by their words, but by their actions. Their words may be a sign of betrayal or loyalty, but their actions will always reveal their true intentions."
9. And so we left The War. And our betrayer died. And we took his lands as our spoils, and established peace with our supposed opponents, Zog and illniyar.

Chapter 5: The Forming Ocean
1. And so we continued to be fruitful and multiply while Sproo travelled the land, building thickets on the deserts and villages on the thickets.
2. To the east was the earthen hills of Zog, the buffer between us and the forests of illniyar. And she taught us the secrets of stone-working and roadbuilding.
3. To the north-west was Daliana, who tirelessly worked on her own lands, changing the deserts to forest.
4. To the south-east was LordGarion, who was also building forests for his people.
5. To the south was Skajunma and Ithelruna. Powerful water spirits who had been creating a wide ocean on Blue Twin, and those of us in the South were growing concerned, as the ocean was beginning to lap up onto our fields and into our homes.
6. And illniyar headed to plug the water-gate, the source of water spirits, who were continuing to add to the ocean.
7. And he was trapped and killed by Skajunma and those who followed her, and we were sore afraid, for Skajunma's numbers were large and comparable to our own.

Chapter 6: LordGarion and the Second War
1. Our friend Zog had spake to Sproo, warning him that LordGarion and Eclipse, a great spirit who had taken some small residence at the Gate, were planning to take over the whole of the forests of Blue Twin, leaving only themselves and their tribes to occupy it.
2. So Sproo did come to us and warn us of this unholy alliance and we begged him to protect us.
3. Thus Sproo selected a number of our best warriors and head to LordGarion's lands.
4 The battle between them raged for many days and nights, with Sproo using guile to avoid being trapped by LordGarion's superior numbers.
5. At first we engaged LordGarion's forces directly, and the two cast many terrible magicks at one another, so that the sparks lit the night sky.
6. Yet LordGarion held the advantage, for we were on his lands and he had the strength of numbers.
7. So Sproo called unto us, "Retreat! We must run if we are to survive!" and we did run.
8. LordGarion gave pursuit but soon found that our smaller force easily outran his army, so did he settle many of them into the village he was at and resumed the chase.
9. And Sproo commanded us, "Dig, my warriors! Build us bunkers for safety that his men will not find us ready targets when they arrive." And so we dug.
10. And LordGarion and his men came upon us and once again the magicks of him and Sproo made the night into day.
11. And once again Sproo called unto us, "Retreat! We must run if we are to survive!" but this time he did direct us deeper into LordGarion's lands.
12. "What madness is this?" we asked, "We shall surely perish if we run that direction. Let us run toward our own lands instead!"
13. And Sproo spake to us, "As you love me and have faith in me, trust in me as your commander, for I will lead us unto victory." So as we did love him and had faith in him, we placed our trust in his command and ran toward the depths of LordGarion's land.
14. Then the cry went up from behind as LordGarion's men began to give chase and we cried "Woe is unto us!" but Sproo smiled in a most dangerous way.
15. So we ran, but just before we would have entered LordGarion's village, Sproo called to us, "Now halt! Each of us, quickly to the ground and into the trees! Let no sound escape, no sight of you be seen!" And we did as he commanded.
16. As we hid, we watched LordGarion's army run past in hot pursuit. Not seeing us on the path they redoubled their efforts, and we were sore-afraid as they ran by, lest they find us in our hiding places and fall upon us and kill us.
17. Yet they did not, and so they ran past us, so close that we could have reached out and touched them, had we dared.
18. And once they were past, Sproo lept from his hiding place with a laugh and began to chant, and the yellow sparks flew from his hands, killing many of LordGarion's men from behind.
19. When LordGarion reached the village and found us not there and his men's rear flank destroyed, great was his anger, and his rage blinded him to how his army was now smaller than our own, having settled many to match our speed and then having many more destroyed by Sproo's cunning.
20. So once more Sproo commanded us to dig bunkers, and once more LordGarion and his men came to attack, and once more yellow sparks flew between Sproo and LordGarion.
21. Yet this time Sproo did not call for a retreat.
22. This time, we stood our ground with Sproo, and when the magicks were expended we turned to hand to hand combat.
23. And in the end, we were victorious, and LordGarion lay vanquished.

Chapter 7: The Second War and Eclipse
1. Yet there was still the great soul Eclipse to deal with, who had a course set direct to one of our villages where his silver tongue would convert them and leave us and Sproo badly outnumbered, with no place to retreat.
2. We urged Sproo to run on his own, for what few of us were left were wounded, and would slow him down.
3. Sproo spake, "This Eclipse shall not harm that village, though I die in protecting it."
4. And we said unto Sproo, "And we for you, but go now, before it is too late."
5. And so he ran.
6. And he beat Eclipse to the village, and while Eclipse and his troops climbed the great fence, Sproo mustered the villagers from their bunks and prepared them to meet Eclipse.
7. Eclipse's men landed in an ambush within the village and swiftly perished, followed by Eclipse himself.
8. After this, no longer did we doubt Sproo's word when he brought forward concerns to us, for we had seen with our own eyes how a threat could come upon us before we were aware of it.

Chapter 8: The Equator
1. Though victorious, the battle had left us weary and mournful. For we had lost many friends and loved ones.
2. Yet still the ocean approached our land.
3. So Sproo spake unto us, "I will go into LordGarion's lands and speak to the tribes there, that they might see how together we may stop this ocean.
4. And being sore and tired from battle, we agreed.
5. And the tribes of LordGarion joined us, and swelled our ranks.
6. So Sproo contacted the great spirit Ithelruna, and proposed to her a truce.
7. "We have no need of quarrel, you have the southern reaches of the planet, and I have the north. Surely this is enough to satisfy us. Let us agree that you shall not raise the ocean beyond the middle line, and my tribes will not set foot in the ocean that you raise."
8. And Ithelruna and Skajunma saw the mighty force that Sproo could amass on the edge of the water, and realized that any battle would be long and truly bloody, and so did agree to this truce as the best for their own tribes as well.
9. So the Equator of Blue Twin was formed, and so peace reigned between the great spirits.

Chapter 9: The Cycle of Leaf
1. Then came a time of great plenty.
2. We grew, and spread, and multiplied, and were happy.
3. We expanded north-west, as the great spirit Daliana grew tired of the mortal realm, and her soul fled her body, leaving her eyes glazed, and Sproo eased her passage unto Heaven.
4. We expanded north-east, as the great spirit Pauluss grew tired of the mortal realm, and his soul fled his body, leaving his eyes glazed, and Sproo eased his passage unto Heaven.
5. We expanded such that the Tribes of Sproo covered a third of the world of Blue Twin.
6. And those of us in the villages harvested the violets from the fields and the wood from the forests, and lived with work and plenty.
7. And those of us in the forests danced merrily and raised our children in happiness, though we lived on the meagre pickings of the forest.
8. And Sproo watched us and was happy for our joy.
9. So did he return to his ponderings, and devised many inventions of strange and wondrous use.
10. And also did he travel to the edges of our lands and teach and learn from the other great spirits of Blue Twin.
11. Until the day came when the forest could sustain no more of us.
12. "No matter," said we, "for we are content with our lives, what need is there for more?"
13. Yet when Sproo returned and saw this, he chided us for our selfishness.
14. "Let not your roots grow too deep in one place, my friends," did he say.
15. "Remain in the forest to long and you will forget how your brethren in the village work and prosper."
16. "Yet remain in the village too long and you will forget how your brethren in the forest play and love."
17. "And no Tribes, no matter how strong, will live in peace if they forget the other's struggles."
18. "Truly, the way of Leaf is like unto the seasons. A constant cycle of renewal."
19. And we hung our heads in shame, for in our happiness we had forgotten this.
20. And those of us in the forest moved into the village, and Sproo did escort a lucky few from the village back into the forests, that we may each enjoy the experience of each.
21. And such is the Cycle of Leaf unto this day.

Chapter 10: The False Prophets
1. So it was that as we lived in the Cycle of Leaf we saw many great spirits enter through the Gate.
2. Those that asked, Sproo would direct beyond our lands.
3. Those who grew tired of the mortal realm, and whose eyes did glaze, did Sproo ease their passage back unto Heaven.
4. Yet there were those who did not ask, and who did not glaze.
5. Of those, many attempted to pillage the Leaf Gate, yet Sproo had foreseen this happening and so had placed his most faithful warriors on the gate to guard it.
6. So strong was the devotion of the Guard that even though each day one member starved, none turned their back on Sproo, and they followed his orders without question.
7. And those that would pillage the leaf gate were struck down by the Guard without mercy or quarter.
8. What remained were the false prophets.
9. Those who would enter the gate and head off into our lands, and with flowery speeches and sweet-sounding lies attempt to convert the faithful to their cause.
10. And Sproo despaired that the Tribes might lose their way to such false prophets.
11. And so he gave unto each false prophet a single warning.
12. "Stop what you're doing now," spake he, "or I shall remove you from the forests of Blue Twin"
13. For those that heeded, Sproo held no animosity, and gave freely of the harvests of the violet fields, the forest quarries, and the wooded lands.
14. For those that did not, Sproo would pursue and destroy, for he would countenance none spreading falsehoods among us.
15. Yet they came in great number, and some of the Tribes, blinded by the false promises of the prophets, turned from Sproo, and this caused him great sadness.
16. And so it came to pass that Sproo found himself in a never ending pursuit of the next false prophet. For each one he destroyed, another seemed to take its place.
17. And Sproo grew weary of the chase.

Chapter 11: The New Apprentice
1. In Sproo's great weariness, he found his mind dwelling upon a thought.
2. That which cannot be endured must be destroyed.
3. That which can be neither endured nor destroyed must be controlled.
4. Sproo could no longer endure the false prophets.
5. Yet neither could he destroy them all himself, for they came like bees unto the fields.
6. And he dared not destroy the Gate, lest he need some passage back to Blue Twin himself one day.
7. So Sproo placed himself in deep thought about the question of how to control the false prophets
8. When lo, did a wondrous idea occur.
9. Perhaps instead of destroying the false prophets himself, he could enlist one of their own to do the task.
10. And so he did send word to the latest false prophet to enter Blue Twin seeking with him a discussion of terms.
11. And this false prophet's name was MysticMist.
12. And Sproo did say unto us, "Let some of the Tribes turn to follow MysticMist."
13. "That he may grow and prosper and aid us in our struggles against the many other prophets who would take our peace."
14. And unto MysticMist did Sproo grant that portion of Blue Twin that had been Daliana's.
15. Saying unto him, "This land defined by the great fence is to be yours."
16. "I ask only that you watch o'er the Gate for me while I run to the far reaches of the forest for my people."
17. And MysticMist did agree. And the arrangement did seem good.
18. So Sproo told us of this arrangement, and further said, "Perhaps this MysticMist may become my apprentice."
19. "So that I will teach him my wisdom, and together we shall ensure the peace of the forest."
20. And so Sproo did try to teach MysticMist, both in the magics and inventions he had discovered, and in his wisdom about the ways of Go-Krida.
21. And we were happy to see him do so.

Chapter 12: The Failed Apprentice
1. Yet when Sproo did try to teach MysticMist, he found the great spirit to be lacking in comprehension.
2. For MysticMist was unwilling to learn or recall, and would ask Sproo the same question for many weeks.
3. And each week Sproo would reply unto him, "I answered this before, but.." and supply the answer.
4. Yet still MysticMist did not learn.
5. And Sproo grew frustrated.
6. Until one day, as MysticMist crossed the leaf gate, he did ask yet again a question that Sproo had already answered.
7. And Sproo spake unto us, "What point the attempt to teach this one?"
8. "He treats my attempts to teach as offal, discarding them as fast as I may provide them."
9. "Yet he treats my time as the grains of sand in the desert, assuming I have an infinite amount, and that none of it be of any value."
10. "For this, I spit upon him, and cast him down from my outstretched arms."
11. "Let him carry himself, for I will carry him no longer."
12. "And let him suffer for every advantage I have given him."
13. And with each word Sproo spoke, he countenance grew more fierce, and we were afraid to look upon him.

Chapter 13: The Wrath of Sproo
1. "Guard!" cried Sproo, and we shook at his wrath, for we knew not what form it would take.
2. "Destroy this MysticMist! Let him see that his life holds as little value to me as my teachings do to him!"
3. And the Guard obeyed, catching MysticMist on the gate and tearing his body apart.
4. And MysticMist did call to Sproo for help, but his cries went unheeded.
5. So his soul was sent unto heaven.
6. Yet he gained a new body and returned to Blue Twin, and the Guard once again caught him and tore his body apart, leaving the flesh hanging from the trees around the gate as a warning of Sproo's wrath.
7. And this did happen three times in total.
8. And each time did MysticMist call for Sproo to end the Guard's assault on him.
9. Yet each time did Sproo ignore his pleas.
10. And at the last, we called unto Sproo, "No more! Punish him no more, for it terrifies us to see you so."
11. And Sproo heard us and relented.
12. And he hung his head in shame at what he had done.
13. "Forgive me, my Tribes," did he say, "for I allowed the hot blood of wrath to o'ertake my senses."
14. "I did not mean to frighten you so."
15. And we forgave him, and all was well between us.

Chapter 14: The Grand Design
1. Then did Sproo come to us with a wondrous discovery.
2. "Blue Twin is not the only world in the universe," did he say.
3. "And I have been blessed with the ability to speak to many others on far away worlds."
4. "Why I have even spoken with God."
5. "What sayeth God unto thee, Sproo?" did we ask, for we were most curious as to the wisdom of God.
6. And Sproo replied unto us with a sly smile "'Goodness', mostly."
7. And we were confused.
8. But Sproo spake unto us and said, "But what is important of this is that I am learning of a great many things, some of them exciting, some of them worrisome.
9. "All the worlds are feeling the pressures of so many souls, and many would pay dearly for such bounty as we have."
10. "Lo, listen to my plan," did he ask, and we waited to hear his idea.
11. "As you are now aware, the world is far larger than Blue Twin. There are rumours of people being able to access the worlds through other places than the gates."
12. "My people, if this is the case, I cannot guarantee our safety as we are now."
13. "For we cover a full-third of Blue Twin. Far too much for even such as myself to protect."
14. "So, I propose that we give up the majority of our territory. Keeping only the best land for ourselves, that we may grow and prosper in safety from foreign marauders."
15. "Yet we must do this quietly, for if others were to hear before we were prepared, there would be chaos. Thus you must agree to tell no-one."
16. And we did, for we could see the wisdom in his words.
17. "Now I shall go around the forests, spreading this plan and gathering our friends and relatives that we shall make a pilgrimage to the promised land."
18. "And this land we shall make into our stronghold, and develop not just a simple village, but a sophisticated town and perhaps even a mighty castle."
19. "And thus the Tribes shall be known and respected throughout the Universe."

Chapter 15: The Third War
1. So Sproo did set off on yet another journey. This time to gather the Tribes together into a great stronghold.
2. But it was not to be so simple as that.
3. While he was travelling, he received a call for help. It seems the great soul Tututkhamen, who had been living on Blue Twin peacefully, had gone mad.
4. He had turned and killed Zog with little warning.
5. When confronted with this act, he claimed that she had glazed, and that he was merely easing her passage unto Heaven, but was not believed.
6. Indeed, Zog herself responded from heaven that she did not believe she had glazed, though she had been in thought for a time.
7. Yet we urged Sproo not to turn away from our grand design, even as the other souls on Blue Twin requested his assistance.
8. And Sproo spake unto us, "I must aid them. Though not to sate the hot blood of revenge as some might assume."
9. Instead, I must go so we are assured that Tututkhamen will not later turn his eyes toward our stronghold.
10. So Sproo gathered a mighty force and set off into the hills of Zog's land.
11. And Sproo avoided direct conflict with Tututkhamen in the hills, instead settling hamlets that blocked Tututkhamen path and allowed others to catch up with him.
12. Many major souls died in that war, as Tututkhamen's forces were over a thousand strong, and few had the numbers to match him so far into the hills.
13. Finally, the great soul greenB did land the final blow, and we rejoiced.
14. Yet our rejoicing was shortlived, for Tututkhamen reappeared on a temple dedicated to the earth. Zog's last act had been to teach him arcane earth skills that allowed him to survive even fatal blows.
15. And Sproo did run through his forests, along long forgotten paths and roads little used, so that he could arrive at the temple quickly.
16. When he arrived, he joined Skajunma, who had slid along the water currents, and together they set mighty hamlets that trapped and eventually eliminated Tututkhamen from Blue Twin.
17. But over this time, the grand design had been left untended.

Chapter 16: The Second Coming of Eclipse
1. So did Sproo resume his spreading of the word of the grand design amongst the tribes.
2. First heading to the far north-easterly regions, where the war with Tututkhamen had raged.
3. And he went unto the guards he had left in the hills, and lamented for they were slowly starving.
4. And upon them he bestowed great praise and a wealth of nectar, for they had remained steadfast in case of Tututkhamen's return.
5. He moved the men into the north eastern towns in preparation for The Exodus, and they gathered the food from the fields for the trip.
6. Yet then at the leaf gate did Eclipse arrive.
7. And Eclipse's reputation was known unto the denizens of Blue Twin now, for he had taken on the mantle of the world destroyer, and even claimed some success over some far off worlds.
8. And he fell upon the remains of Guardsmen at the gate for many of them had gone with Sproo to stand in the third war.
9. Yet doing so was a foolish action, for though he might win, it would leave him much weakened and without the strength to resist a second attack.
10. So Sproo set to mobilizing the village nearest while the guardsmen fought in vain, and looked to take an overwhelming force to face Eclipse.
11. "Why do you spend so much time raising such a mighty army?" we asked of him.
12. He responded unto us, saying "For what reason would the world-destroyer doom himself?"
13. We thought perhaps he was over-confidant. Perhaps Blue Twin was not to his liking.
14. But Sproo spake unto us, "Perhaps it is a trap and his brethren have mastered the heavenly gates for transport."
15. "But know this, there is no trap that can hold the cautious soul."
16. And so we waited and listened to the anguished cries of the Guardsmen as they died.
17. Eventually the army was gathered, and Sproo moved to combat Eclipse, and we waited for the trap to be sprung.
18. But no trap occurred, and Eclipse was destroyed once again.
19. And Sproo turned unto us and begged our forgiveness for his caution had doomed many of the Tribesmen.
20. But we forgave him, for we understood his mind, and knew he had done that which he thought best.
21. Yet this is where we learned that even Sproo may make a mistake.

Chapter 17: The Exodus
1. Once again did Sproo turn to the grand design.
2. He had spread word throughout the forests and villages of the Tribes and we were eager to begin.
3. But on seeing our great numbers did he despair.
4 "How shall I move all of you to our new home in Rainbow Trickster? We are so many that we would starve even as we formed our procession."
5. And we too were at a loss for this problem.
6. Until Sproo took note of how a young leaf soul would follow harvesters back to a village, invariably causing the whole hamlet to retreat to the village in search of them.
7. And Sproo did laugh, for what had been a source of difficulty for us became a solution to him.
8. "Come my people of the village, I will take you to the forest outside and show you the correct path. After that, I leave it up to you to make your way to the next village."
9. "But how will we not get lost?" did we ask, because even though we followed the cycle of leaf, the forest beyond our villages was still unknown to many of us.
10. "Let the youngest lead you," he laughed, "for their curiosity will take you where you need to go."
11. So village by village did Sproo clear the great forest of the Tribes.
12. We would mobilize under Sproo's command and move clear of the village, and he would set us down and send harvesters to gather the wood and nectar, and we would follow them back to the next village while Sproo ran ahead.
13. And we did this from the whole of the great forest, eventually coming to rest in either the village of Rainbow Trickster in the promised land, or the outlying village of Goblin Moss.
14. And there were over 4000 of us in number, and the great reunion that ensued was a celebration that lasted many days.
15. We all rejoiced at our coming to the promised land and praised Sproo for his wisdom.

Chapter 18: The Planning of the Stronghold
1. "Let us rejoice!" called Sproo, "for we have reached the promised land and will build a stronghold to protect us from evil for now and evermore!"
2. Yet we looked upon the land and saw that it was no different from any of the other forests.
3. "But how is this land different from our forests before?" did we ask.
4. "Ah, my people. This land that will become our stronghold is different in that it takes the least from the other inhabitants of Blue Twin. We need fight no wars over this land."
5. The elders recognized Sproo's wisdom and nodded sagely.
6. "What shall we call this land?" did we ask unto him.
7. Sproo merely shrugged. "It will be our Stronghold. Call it as such."
8. And so we looked over the stronghold.
9. It was a land of forests and violet fields, surrounding the village of Rainbow Trickster and encompassing all that the harvesters of the village could reach in a day.
10. Sproo sat with the elders and planned its defence.
11. "My people. You cannot hope to withstand the might an Angel might bring on your own. Yet I may not always be instantly available.
12. If we have enough time, I can return and martial our strength.
13. And with enough time, the Leaf is an unstoppable force, growing through any and all cracks and fortifications.
14. And time is the ally of the defender prepared for siege.
15. And time is the enemy of the attacker who has fewer numbers.
16. So we must make sure that the time and the numbers are ours."
17. The elders agreed with Sproo, and so began planning a stronghold that would maximize the time an invader needed to reach the village at the center.
18. We would create a great system of walls and roads guarded by great hamlets in the forests such that an invader would have to cross at least two walls from any point, and would require such a force as to withstand two of the largest hamlets we could muster.
19. This would guarantee us time for Sproo to return and organize our defence.
20. And the roads would spiral from the outer edge to the central village itself.
21. Thus we could maintain the Cycle of Leaf even as we maintained our defence.
22. And over time, did the Tribes grow to making a town, and even a City.
23. But that is a tale for a different chapter, and a different book.

Chapter 19: The Second Coming of Lord Garion
1. Yet shortly after the planning had finished did Sproo come to us with a look of anger and urgency.
2. And we asked him what was troubling him so.
3. "LordGarion has returned," did he say unto us, "brought by Zog, the trusting fool."
4. The elders grew very concerned, and the young shoots grew wide eyed.
5. For all who had not been at the First War had heard of it.
6. And they knew that LordGarion was not to be trusted.
7. Indeed, it turned out to be so, for it was not long after that we heard that Zog had been slain at LordGarion's hand.
8. Sproo spake unto us, "Let this be a lesson of trust."
9. "Twice now has Zog's poor judgement of trust cost her her body."
10. "Twice now has she given us a threat on Blue Twin that we should not have had to endure. First allowing Tututkhamen to reanimate, and now allowing LordGarion to arrive safely."
11. "So let us always be twice twice sure that those who we trust are deserving."
12. "If their actions betray their words, we should expect to be betrayed."
13. "If their words betray their actions, we should expect to be betrayed."
14. "If they betray their allies, we should expect to be betrayed."
15. "If they ally with betrayers, we should expect to be betrayed."
16. And Sproo sent unto LordGarion an ultimatum.
17. "You are to leave Blue Twin immediately and by the fastest means possible. Your choice is only whether you go by way of Heaven or not."
18. LordGarion attempted to bargain with Sproo.
19. "Let me live in peace for two weeks, and I shall leave peacefully."
20. Yet Sproo did not trust his words and did tell him so.
21. And LordGarion attempted to ply Sproo with false reasons.
22. "If you attack me, I shall cause much destruction, and I shall be present for much longer than two weeks while you attempt to catch me."
23. The elders were concerned, for they could see some truth in these words
24. "Perhaps we should let him stay?" they did ask unto Sproo.
25. "And allow him to establish some fortification of his own?
26. "Better to endure some small hardship now than large hardship once the enemy is well positioned."
27. "Or have you forgotten the old plan to wipe out all Tribes save his own and those of Eclipse?"
28. With that, he turned and strode from the village, calling for the young shoots to join him and once again turn back destruction.

Chapter 20: The Hunt
1. So did Sproo leave the village of Yellow Goblin Moss in his quest to rid Blue Twin of LordGarion once more.
2. And from the waters rose Ithelruna, who would not countenance LordGarions' treatment of Zog.
3. She joined forces with Sproo and moved to guard one of the largest of Zog's old earth tribes on the Earth Temple, protecting them from his being able to reach them and ply them with lies of riches.
4. As Sproo approached with a mighty force, four figures strong, LordGarion turned and ran, for the forces of Zog's were not so easily converted, and he could not stand against such an army.
5. Hence did Sproo give chase out of the forests and across the hills to the east.
6. LordGarion chose a place to leave his minions and run on alone, hoping that Sproo's army would hold him back.
7. Yet Sproo was wise with the paths of Blue Twin, and knew shortcuts that enabled him to gain on LordGarion
8. However, we could not keep pace, and begged Sproo to let us stop, though it shamed us to do so.
9. Those who were there say they shall never forget his face as he nodded. It had returned to the days of his failed apprentice, and we knew there would be no end to this but bloodshed.
10. And Sproo, seeing the lead that LordGarion had, was solemn.
11. So he called out to the residents of Blue Twin, offering a great bounty of elemental materials and foodstuffs for those who would kill lordgarion.
12. But the other major souls on Blue Twin were of great distance away and so could not provide aid as quickly as it would be needed.
13. For many days did the two run, yet each mile they ran, did Sproo slowly gain ground.
14. For Blue Twin was his home and he had lain many of the roads himself, and knew them by the feel of the cobblestones under his feet.
15. To the far east they ran, where they came to the lands of illniyar and were forced to turn north.
16. To the far north they ran, where they came to edge of the world and were forced to turn west.
17. And as they ran to the west, Sproo cursed the timing.
18. For it had not been long before when these forests that they now ran through teemed with the Tribes.
19. Yet the Tribes had moved to their new homeland, and so were not there to bring an end to this chase.
20. Thus did Sproo learn the law of unintended consequences.
21. He vowed, from thenceforth, to always have a guard on every square of the Tribes that he could.
22. And so they ran to the west until they reached the edge of the world, where they had to turn south once more.
23. And here Sproo laughed, for he saw LordGarion had come to the great fence that had marked the edge of MysticMists' land so long ago.
24. So was he forced to turn and run along the great fence, but Sproo knew that along that path lay a cul-de-sac.
25. And Sproo was confident that he would soon be able to trap LordGarion and bring an end to his existence on Blue Twin.
26. But alas, he was wrong.

Chapter 21: The Emergence of Dworkin
1. From the Leaf Gate did emerge a soul with the name of Dworkin.
2. And he set an immediate course to intercept Sproo in his relentless pursuit of LordGarion.
3. Sproo did hail him cautiously, for this new soul was of similar appearance to LordGarion.
4. And we were sore afraid that he was some strange familiar of LordGarion's brought to life, though the rules of Heaven lay against it.5. And so did Sproo spake unto Heaven and the ArchAngels. Asking for their advice.
6. But they advised that it was not so.
7. So did Sproo contact this Dworkin in good faith, and asked him to halt his movement.
8. For Sproo had well learned the lesson of the false prophets and tricksters who would seek to attack any who came near.
9. Dworkin did profess he was of peaceful intent and would make no move against Sproo, though he made no move to stop his course.
10. And we watched with great concern as Dworkin entered the same lands as Sproo.
11. All seemed peaceful for a time as Sproo continued on and Dworkin made no move against him.
12. Yet it was not to be, for of a sudden, Dworkin commanded his army into melee with Sproo's meagre forces.
13. It was for nought however, as Sproo was already well away into the forest, leaving Dworkin to posture helplessly in melee with an invisible opponent.
14. And Sproo spake unto Dworkin, telling him that there would be no mercy for him, but that as the threat he posed was small, there remained time for him to contemplate his next life.
15. We questioned Sproo on this, for Dworkin was a new soul, and perhaps had been seduced by LordGarion's lies.
16. And Sproo saw this and relented. "Forgive me, my peoples, my anger has grown great since LordGarion has chosen to pollute the very thoughts and discussions that the Angels have with each other.
17. And a trick supplied by the ArchAngels is now being abused to no good ends.
18. Thus has my mind has been much occupied to no good purpose cleaning the filth, and indeed it may have infected my own thoughts.
19. Perhaps I was o'erhasty."
20. Thus did Sproo spake unto Dworkin once more, "I acted too hasty in my last. Perhaps you did not know what you were doing, or were deceived by LordGarion. I say unto you now, leave me and my Tribes in peace and I will leave you the same."
21. And so did Sproo arrive at the cul-de-sac, having called several new shoots to him from Heaven, to find LordGarion already climbing the fence.
22. So he prepared magiks that were sure to bring LordGarion down.
23. Alas, chance intervened, or perhaps the pollution across the forums by LordGarion had distracted his spell-weaving abilities.
24. Whatever the cause, Sproo's magiks fizzled and smoked and caused Sproo to be delayed while LordGarion finished his climb across the fence.
25. Yet behind him came Dworkin, who had given no answer to Sproo's request for peace.
26. This time it was Sproo hampered by the fence, and Dworkin's warriors caught a few Tribe members who were not quick enough climbing, and they pulled them down cruelly from the fence and sent them back to the First Tree.
27. At that point, did Sproo add Dworkin to the Bounty, and spake unto him:
28. Use what time you have on Blue Twin wisely.
29. For you shall not remain long beyond LordGarion's passing.

Chapter 22: The Foiling of the First Trap
1. Still did LordGarion run and Sproo give chase.
2. Once more, to our shame, we were unable to keep pace with Sproo and so begged him to go on without us.
3. "Hold not your failings against yourself," did he say unto us, "unless you have not tried your utmost."
4. And we took comfort in his words, for we and he knew that we would do nothing less for him.
5. So did Sproo proceed through the forest roads alone after LordGarion.
6. It became obvious that sooner or later Sproo would catch his quarry, as the other souls of Blue Twin were finally nearing, and LordGarion would soon have nowhere safe to flee.
7. Thus did LordGarion's first attempt to catch Sproo unawares did occur.
8. Late one night, as he had just escaped Sproo once more, did he summon but a few earth souls to him from Heaven.
9. And these he settled with orders to kill any who would come through the land before running off once more.
10. Fortunately, Sproo's time in the forests had made him alert to such happenings.
11. Or perhaps the trees themselves whispered to him what had occurred up ahead.
12. Thus did Sproo know of the trap and changed his course to avoid it, though it cost him many hours that he would have to make up again.
13. And we heard that in the Angelic discussions did LordGarion attempt to brand Sproo as a coward for not heedlessly rushing forward.. as LordGarion himself had done once so long ago.
14. And we saw that Sproo's answer was to smile grimly and proceed around the trap.
15. For an accusation of cowardice is wasted words.
16. As those who are cowards already know it in their hearts.
17. And those who are not feel no sting from the insult.

Chapter 23: The Foiling of the Second Trap

1. As Sproo proceeded around the trap, LordGarion was able to turn back, coming to Yellow Goblin Moss where so many of us had settled.
2. The young shoots were all eager to participate, and many threatened to chase down LordGarion themselves.
3. Sproo did chide them for their foolishness.
4. "Stay indoors," did he warn us
5. "For in the village there is no room to mount the army that you would need to catch an Angel."
6. So we did as Sproo bade us, and when we saw LordGarion move through the village we were indeed afraid.
7. For many of us had not seen the terrible majesty of an Earth Angel before.
8. Or felt the ground tremble as he strode through our village.
9. Yet from the north west did Dworkin also approach.
10. And Sproo saw this and was concerned.
11. For while he had no doubt he could end LordGarion's existence while in Yellow Goblin Moss, he was not sure he could yet withstand a joint attack of two angels.
12. And so he spake unto Dworkin, "If LordGarion has tempted you to enter that village, I urge you to stop now.
13. For if you do so enter, I will be forced to turn my attention to you, lest you convert my Tribes against me."
14. And Dworkin did feign ignorance of such a possibility, but Sproo persisted.
15. "Do not be complacent. LordGarion knows as well as I that in Yellow Goblin Moss you would be the larger threat to me than he, lest my tribes decide to follow you.
16. And he will use the opportunity not to aid you, for you mean nothing to him, but rather to run further away and gather his own forces while I deal with you myself.
17. Be no patsy for LordGarion who has already betrayed Zog, who aided him before."
18. And Dworkin seemed to take heed, for he stopped his advancement, which heartened Sproo considerably.
19. For he knew that he would be through the village now before Dworkin could enter it.
20. Thus was the second trap foiled.

Chapter 24: The Battle
1. Thus did the chase resume, but now others of Blue Twin were approaching
2. Also the paths to ready stores of earthen souls had been removed, so reinforcements available for LordGarion were few.
3. Lo, there were but two hamlets left that were friendly to LordGarion, and Sproo had maneuvered to block LordGarion's access to one, so he went to the second and began recruiting them into a force to make his final stand.
4. Sproo left off the chase an instead turned to the other hamlet.
5. The young shoots begged him to continue and strike down LordGarion whilst he recruited.
6. Yet did spake Sproo, "He would merely leave off recruiting and come to the second hamlet, thereby gaining forces to outnumber us."
7. So instead did we strike the other hamlet.
8. LordGarion seeing this, left off his recruitment early to come assist his fellows, hoping to fall upon us whilst we were locked in bloody combat with the earthen folks, striking them down with our grass blades and suffering under their mighty picks.
9. And indeed he did, and brought to bear once again the yellow sparks of forcebolts to try and dwindle our numbers before we concluded our combat.
10. In this, he was aided by fortunate happenstance.
11. The time governor wobbled, and LordGarion suddenly released not one, but two forcebolts in quick succession.
12. And Sproo grew gravely concerned, for his calculations had not taken into account the vagaries of time.
13. "Fight for your lives!" he called, for he knew they did indeed depend on it.
14. So emboldened we fought even harder than before, but it was not enough. LordGarion's magics had weakened our number enough that it would take another round of combat against his settled hamlet.
15. In the distance, we could see the great soul Talons approaching with reinforcements, but he was too far to be of assistance yet.
16. Whilst Sproo urged us on, the oldest members, those closest to them, heard his dark thoughts.
17. "Woe is come unto us," he did spake, "for I did not think LordGarion's men would arrive so soon, nor take into account the vagaries of the Time Governor."
18. We tried to reassure him that neither could have been predicted but he was not consolable.
19. "I fear I have doomed us for nought," did he say, "for the outcome of this battle now rests in LordGarion's hands."
20. Then the flutes played, telling of victory over the earthen hamlet, and Sproo's ears perked.
21. "What be this trickery?" he asked.
22. And we told him there was no trickery. We had defeated the foes.
23. "But how? Has not LordGarion reinforced them?"
24. And we answered that he had not.
25. At this Sproo did leap from his sadness, and began to hurriedly call out orders, telling us to settle quickly and send warning shots across the host of LordGarion's armies that they would turn to prepare for battle.
26. While we did this, Sproo prepared his own magics, and Talons did join him and add his magics to the fray.
27. Thus it came to pass that while we had LordGarion occupied with his forces, Talons flowed around behind and laid waste to his rear flank with magical attacks, finishing off LordGarion and his forces.
28. So there came a time of Peace to the Tribes.

Chapter 25: The Repayment
1. During the time of peace, Sproo had much work ahead of him, for he had promised huge amounts of our stores and many strange elemental items to those who would help him rid the world of LordGarion and his associates.
2. The angel Talons had landed the final blow to LordGarion, so to him went the bulk of the spoils.
3. And so great was the weight that even with nearly 2000 members of the tribes, it was all we could do to carry it.
4. Yet this was new to us, for not long before Sproo himself would have been able to shoulder the load with no difficulty.
5. "What has happened?" we did ask him, "where has your great strength gone?"
6. So did he speak unto us, "It is the aging of the universe."
7. "Just as the oak changes from seedling to shoot, from sapling to tree, so does the universe change."
8. "Each stage will be different from the last, better in some ways, worse in others."
9. And as he shifted the great weight on his shoulders (for even weakened, he could still carry far more than the mightiest of us) he grinned ruefully, and spake "This is just one of the worse."
10. "Take heart though, for when we have finished our work, we will see about finding the better."
11. And so we did, and we learned that even the Angels change.